I don’t know how to do it. I am so terrified of dying that I haven’t been able to sleep well for a very long time. Everything I do seems shallow and hollow - so how does everyone just keep on moving forward, keep setting goals, keep making progress?

  • MrMamiya@feddit.de
    2 years ago

    Tough question to answer without sounding either too callous or too hippy-dippy.

    If you’re not enjoying life why would you fear death? Why are you clinging so hard to life that it prevents you from living?

    I used to be pretty depressed. Now I’m just kinda depressed sometimes.

    The only thing that works for me is doing things. Sometimes I like them. Sometimes I don’t. I try to do more of the ones I like. I try not to judge things I am going to do before I’m doing them.

    I have fully internalized that I will die and I personally believe that’s the end. Might be wrong, don’t care either way. All you can do is deal with now. I don’t want to leave my family behind but I will someday. It will be sad for them. It makes me a little sad to think about. But it’s unavoidable. I could die tomorrow. I could die at 90. You don’t get to know when in most cases. So I try not to worry about what I can’t control.

    If you’re young, things smooth out as you age.

    The one thing I have to stress is that you will not overcome anything on the internet. You have to do stuff to have anything to talk about, at bare minimum. A lot of people today confuse having an opinion for having a personality. I’d rather hang out with someone who wants to talk about their passions than someone who wants to trash a movie or a celebrity or some other thing they wouldn’t like even if it was made specifically for them.