Not just guys, let me tell you
Yeah I definitely want one
I mean, if anyone, Captain Lezbian is the person who needs to have one
Guys is technically a non-gendered term - FWIW
I haven’t seen it used much in a non-gendered way, so I guess that’s why it has a clear masculine ring in my head
It is very common to hear girls use the term guys, and for people to address a mixed party as “guys”
Just like ‘mankind’ right? (/s)
Sure, language is changing and guys has been veering neutral since the 70s. But claiming the word is outright “non-gendered” is incorrect imo.
Merriam-Webster would like to disagree with your assertion that it is not “non-gendered”
Thanks to for the link in (I don’t know if I could make that link in a better way)
I agree that “guys” is not a gendered term but I don’t like your argument.
Definitions of words can be very different to how people use them, and we shouldn’t constrain the use of words to their definitions.
I disagree that we shouldn’t constrain the use of words to their definitions. It’s what helps make the meaning of sentences the most clear for everyone. If people had actually done that then the definition of “literally” wouldn’t include “figuratively” and a lot of misunderstandings could be avoided.
Otherwise we could end up with people saying that when they wrote “all white people deserve to die” what they actually meant was that they deserve to live, since that’s how they use the word “die”. It’s nonsensical to me.
Kind of a bad example, because mankind very clearly stems from ‘humankind’. And people are lazy and prefer using short words. The unfairness is rather that women got stuck with the words requiring more characters. But that is a phenomenon of the English language and not present in others.
However, in most languages the words for man/male are closer to human(kind) than female/woman, which very clearly shows the historic patriarchal influence, coming back around to your point after all.
Interestingly enough, in old English you had “werman” and “wifman” for man and woman respectively, in which case referring to all with “mankind” makes perfect sense. So the originator for mankind seems more likely to be from that than the explanation that it’s a shortening of “humankind” to me.
Not technically. Practically. In real world. As slang.
Cause technically and by definition, It’s still very much gendered.
No, sorry. Please check the facts before correcting someone.
In its plural form “guys” is technically non-gendered:
What’s gals then?
Nicole Coenen has joined the chat
Oh good, so it’s just the OP who doesn’t have their shit straight.
96 volt? This thing fucks
Hell yeah
Hell yeah
I’ll take weapons that are as dangerous to the wielder as anyone else for $500…
You could say it’s a double-edged sword
I think that one may have more than two edges XD
Even Warhammer 40000 chainswords usually have the blade shielded from the wielder’s side. Yes, even the chaos and ork ones.
It’s made for plunge cuts!
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Holy Chainsword, blessed be thy Machine Spirit
For the emperor
Hell yeah
the Emperor protects!
Not Cadia tho
The planet broke before the Guard did.
According to the Minka Lesk omnibus after the Cadia destruction they did broke for a time before gathering their remains and losing half of their remaining numbers in incredibly suicidal but spectacular attack just to show the rest of Guard they didn’t lost the edge.
If I pull this out of a stump do I get to be king?
It’s a cool shelf piece but in terms of practicality I’m to attached to my extremities to dare to turn it on
Listen, strange women lyin’ near trees distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government. That said, if you do pull it from a stump I’m not going to try and take it from you.
King of the lumberyard
Is it time to rip and tear?
Aesthetically? Hell yeah. Functionally? I am not taking a sword that can run out of juice to the battlefield.
This is the kind of weapon you bring to a battle expected to be so bloody you die before it does
a back-mounted generator is still an option, although it just prolongs the inevitable.
Please tell me the Chainsword is a weapon in some game?
Any Warhammer game
You poor sweet summer child…
Fallout series be like
Hell yeah!
People are supposed to see Kite Man and think “hell yeah.”
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