What? No HTML?
HTML: You are not a nerd
Edit: OH MY GOD what did you just share !!!
what did you just share !!!
Beware: might cause maniacal laughter.
Dude, I just woke up the whole house 🤣
Nice bait, no one likes matlab
I like Matlab
R is more"you are a researcher or an engineer and also a nerd"
Then C/C++ is You’re a smart nerd.
Let the flame wars begin!
As a professional C++ programmer I am compelled to agree
I genuinely looked for my favorite language before reading the text 😂
No lisp?
Implying engineers are not nerds
As an engineer, I’ve met engineers that were jocks and engineers that were dumb. Sometimes they’d even be both
Thanks nerd
Dodged a bullet, X++ is not on the list! 👍
I thought javascript would be something like maniac but this is fine too.