Recently I just wrote a characters physical appearance and started jotting down points about the character, I’ve done a few of these before but never have I started off with the appearance.

The initial note I wrote: A Greyhound-like character with a sleek and slender build, long, narrow face, pointed ears, deep chest, wearing a short, smooth coat, graceful gait, athletic movements.

I normally write with a theme in mind not a character, so the characters I write often feel forced into the story.

I’d love to hear what you feel makes a character apt for a story and what order you tend to build a story in.

      1 年前

      No, not really. They’re all in kind of different states of completeness, if that makes any sense. Some don’t have names or faces yet, that sort of thing. But I tend to just leave them alone until I need them, then they start to become more concrete depending on the story.