I’ve found the following work-around works pretty well. If you host an instance that’s currently on 0.19.0 or 0.19.1, consider implementing this.

There are two bugs that this helps with:

Create cronjobs that restart the Lemmy container every 6 hours (but not at midnight). The following example is used for a Debian system running Lemmy in Docker.

Type crontab -e into the terminal Add something like the following:

0 1 * * * docker container restart lemmy-lemmy-1
0 7 * * * docker container restart lemmy-lemmy-1
0 13 * * * docker container restart lemmy-lemmy-1
0 19 * * * docker container restart lemmy-lemmy-1

3 1-23/6 * * * docker container restart lemmy-postgres-1 && sleep 60 && docker container restart lemmy-lemmy-1

By restarting the container every 6 hours, outbound federation continues to work. There may still be some delays, but everything gets cleared up regularly.

By telling it what time to restart (0100, 0700, 1300, and 1900 as opposed to “every 6 hours”), it avoids restarting at midnight. This avoids the second bug.

My instance has been doing this for enough days where I’m confident that it’s working. You can check your federation status here. Note that it’s normal for there to be 0 up-to-date instances and a lot of lagging instances. As long as they sometimes turn “up to date”, then everything is getting caught up.

    • waldenOP
      9 months ago

      I figured someone more familiar with crontab would chime in. Thanks for the recommendation!

      Edit: I’ve updated my cronjob to https://crontab.guru/#7_1-23/6_*_*_* and I’ll keep an eye out to make sure it works on Debian 12.

  • BlueÆther
    49 months ago

    The only thing that doesn’t seem to federate on my 0.19.1 instance is new subscriptions, but in saying that it looks like the BE restarted an hour ago

  • Rikudou_SageA
    29 months ago

    Is “testing” a swear word to Lemmy “devs”? Such bugs after so many RCs? (Though it seems that for Lemmy “devs” RC actually means “random crap”).

    • waldenOP
      29 months ago

      Extra frustrating for you, I imagine, since you write a lot of API stuff for Lemmy.

      • Rikudou_SageA
        29 months ago

        Yeah, still have to fix some stuff, though I’ve taken a break during the holidays.

        • waldenOP
          29 months ago

          That’s great, hope you’re having some fun with family and friends. Happy New Year.

  • Björn Tantau
    9 months ago

    Funnily enough, since I’ve started to regularly check if my comments made it out I haven’t had any problems. Schrödinger’s bug.

    Edit: Then again, after checking with this post, although my comment made it out just fine, some comments haven’t arrived on my instance. I’ll try to restart.

    • waldenOP
      29 months ago

      Comments from other instances should arrive to yours no problem, as the bug only seems to affect outgoing stuff. If the other instance is running 0.19.0+, then of course those comments might be stuck.

    • @CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      Because it offers new features to immature software still in development.

      It gives snowflakes like yourself the ability to block woke instances so your limited brain capacity isn’t overwhelmed. It also gives scaled sort, the ability to see niche sub’s with less content higher up, so you can see the latest content from your favourite country music communities or about the latest NASCAR race in which people take the same turn constantly for hours on end rly fast.

      Dat’s some good shizz and worth updating for, surely?

      Gotta love those communists that build Lemmy and give you this much joy. That do the hard stuff like running updates and testing so anyone of any (limited) ability can enjoy :).

    • LalSalaamComrade
      9 months ago

      Why does it surprise me that the owners of woke instances don’t understand this shit.

      Wow, just wow. I’m pretty sure you must know this, but since you seem to have some sort of selective amnesia, let me break it down for your stupid ass. Lemmy follows the semantic versioning, meaning that 0.19.1 can be seen as:

      • 0: the major version
      • 19: the minor version
      • 1: the patch version

      Why are you fuckers so keen on updating to 0.19 so quickly anyway?

      Lemmy is still in the major version 0, and not 1. Meaning that it is still in alpha, and hasn’t reached the stable version 1.x.y. Go and read the SemVar FAQ first.

      Every user on this platform is an early adopter, and consists of developers and geeks. Also, the Lemmy devs run lemmy.ml.

      My instance hasn’t and they probably won’t for a long time.

      And? What are we supposed to do with this information?

      Your comment adds no value to a productive discussion. Shush away.

    • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      Downvoted out of spite for that last line. I mean come on, it was 1 downvote.

      EDIT: Oh you’re the owner of sh.itholefor.nazis? Cool, please instance ban me. I am sick of your shitty users constantly leaving harassing comments and downvote barraging anything left of hitler and would rather your users just not see my comments. Thanks, and GFYS.