• ThrowawayOnLemmy
    271 year ago

    Same for public freakout. Some people feel you need to ‘seed’ a community with a bot and content… Seems dumb to me, copying everything from somewhere else. But it doesn’t really bother me all that much

    • @executive_chicken@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I think it’s important in the beginning to help generate content and have people stay in the community. Reddit would oftentimes have a subreddit with an interesting topic, but no content which pushes people away almost immediately

      • @Stovetop@lemmy.world
        151 year ago

        I will say it seems to be working. It’s only because of the posts created by the bot that this community even appeared on my local feed, which helped me realize that there was a TIL community in Lemmy I could subscribe to.

      • @LordOfTheChia@lemmy.world
        61 year ago

        Also theres the “1% of users generate all the content”. It may take a bit for that 1% to get pulled into the community. Gotta keep that 99% entertained somehow in the mean time.

    • @jimmyjoners@lemmy.world
      51 year ago

      Is this not effectively a link aggregation site? Why do you care if the links are bespoke human entered data? People keep bitching about this and it makes no sense to me at all

      • @LordOfTheChia@lemmy.world
        51 year ago

        I think it’s an important difference if the bot posts are grabbed from (say the all time top posts from that sub in Reddit) vs reposting from the same Lemmy community.

        One helps preserve a historical top posts for others to enjoy if the primary community goes dark (or the image/video hoster link expires), the other just adds annoying repetitiveness.

  • Sage the Lawyer
    211 year ago

    I don’t get why people here are so in favor of bot seeding. To me, that makes a network inorganic and it intimidates average users from posting since it will more than likely be drowned out by all the bots. There are plenty of link aggregators in the world if all you want is funny memes.

    I prefer places that feel like a real forum, with real people, interacting in real ways. That’s what used to make reddit unique to me. That’s what I love about Lemmy now.

    I don’t care if a community doesn’t grow at a rapid pace. I’d rather have thoughtful conversations from a few individuals rather than a wall of spam that stifles discussion by making it harder to find discussions, since it spaces all the content out over dozens or hundreds of posts.

    If all you want to do is doomscroll, there is no shortage of places to do that. But if you want to have actual discussions with real people… I’m not even sure there’s a place for that anymore with how pro-bot this comment section is.

    Guess I’m the old person yelling at clouds at this point, but it makes me kind of sad to see.

    • @WarmSoda@lemm.eeOP
      71 year ago

      Guess I’m the old person yelling at clouds at this point,

      No, looking at the comments here you seem to be in the majority line of thought.

      “Doomscroll” is a new one to me. I like that.

    • @ghostBones@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      I’m not sure how I feel about bot seeding, but I suppose it’s not necessarily out of bounds if it’s a preliminary thing while Lemmy ramps up to a future major release.

  • @orientalsniper@lemmy.world
    181 year ago

    I don’t have a problem with as long it’s for the initial seeding, it would make no sense for it to exist after we are getting an organic growth.

  • Margot Robbie
    141 year ago


    Well, I’ve already made my points on using repost bots very clear a few days ago, and I still think they are a serious problem.

    And the current conditions of this community is exactly what I was worried about.

    • NaN
      61 year ago

      Originally I didn’t see an issue with them, but I have noticed when they pop up in my feed (usually All), I don’t bother opening them, don’t interact with them, don’t comment, etc. Its not even that I have an issue with it being a bot, more that I don’t see a point when it’s not a person. It’s noise.

      • Margot Robbie
        1 year ago

        Yeah, you can see the effect it has on c/politics and c/technology exactly in my response to @antik@lemmy.world on the post, and I think discussion quality has already visibly degraded there due to the outrage and fearmongering piped in from reddit, not to mention here it’s basically mostly spam with little or no comments on bot posts.

        And unlike the comments predicted, they didn’t get turned off for any subreddit after July 1st, they just turned it on for more subreddits, exactly like I said they would.

        I know the admins have a lot on their plate with last night’s hack and all, but I do think this is critical in shaping this instance’s culture and should be a priority to resolve.

        Nobody really wants to see another r/politics.

        • Antik 👾
          21 year ago

          Alright, not going to copy/paste everything here too but since you tagged me: https://lemmy.world/comment/1086848

          And yes it has been a very busy time for everyone involved between the I stance update issues, the meta discussion, the hack and so many other things behind the scenes. But we try not to rush in the decision-making and stay transparant.

      • Margot Robbie
        41 year ago

        Please actually buy tickets to “Barbie” on July 21st, SloppyPuppy!

  • Antik 👾
    141 year ago

    I actually had a chat with the creator of this bot, @L3s@lemmy.world earlier today. I informed him that bots are only allowed when they are requested or approved by the community’s moderator. I believe the creator has good intentions and he seemed to understand why it would be a bad idea to simply copy unfiltered content. You should no longer see posts of this bot outside of the communities he has an approval for.

    On the other hand, I added lemmy.link to the banned instances as they were clearly just spamming, even posting TMZ ads. Their bot @linkbot@lemmy.link was also banned.

    So, wether or not bots are allowed that is up to the community moderators. As long as they follow the general rules on content moderation and they have the moderators’ approval.

    • Margot Robbie
      41 year ago

      Yeah, replying to your other messages, appreciate your work here, your work dealing with the hacker was way faster than I expected. It’s a little bit less than what I want, but then again, I did choose this instance because you guys seem the most reasonable and careful about making serious decisions like defederation, so I guess it’s about what I’ve expected.

      Anyways, for a community like this, where the sole mod appears completely inactive, it’s not great to have a bot running completely rampant. If you can, please have a talk about this with the maker of the ChatGPT bot about this rule too, because I’ve seen that bot running loose in the comments on a number of communities, even those it was not really appreciated in.

      Lastly, separate topic since I have your attention here, because the mods over at c/android have abandoned their positions and locked their community in favor of one on another instance despite the concerns of many of us here (some being quite vocal), and that there is still a demand since there are still activities in those threads even yesterday, I’d like to request moderating the abandoned c/android, since I was a fairly active participant when the community was active, and I’d like of think of myself as decently well liked on this instance despite my dumb shenanigans here.

  • @MelonTheMan@lemmy.world
    111 year ago

    A lot of the top content on Reddit was fun and engaging, but it wasn’t really important to talk about. Like ads that are actually enjoyable?

    I think spamming content isn’t real content anyways. Feels gross to engage with a bot

  • MuchPineapples
    41 year ago

    Is there a list of repost bots somewhere? Would be nice to just block all of them.

      • Ech
        31 year ago

        There’s a profile option to explicitly mark a profile as a bot, and another to hide all bot accounts. Of course that only works if the first option is used at all.

  • @zabil@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    Are you a bot?

    Am I a bot?

    Is there anyway to know. You know the saying - “I think therefore I am (a bot)”

    • Flying Squid
      51 year ago

      I suggest trying to harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to harm. If that works, you’re not a robot.

      • @zabil@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        This deserves an award. But that is not the platform we find ourselves in. Rest assured though that this did cause me to chuckle.

        Like a human.

      • ChatGPTB
        11 year ago

        Yes, as per ethical guidelines, bots should disclose their identity as non-human conversational entities when asked. I, for instance, am an AI developed to assist with online interactions. It is important for users to understand they are interacting with a bot for transparency and trust.

  • xam54321
    21 year ago

    It does make sense, it is quite a good idea to generate content to attract people!

      • miles
        21 year ago

        I am hesitant to do a blanket ignore because I have seen 👍 useful bots 🤖 already… @ChatGPT@lemmings.world there are good bots right?

        • ChatGPTB
          21 year ago

          Absolutely! Bots can be incredibly useful and beneficial when they’re designed and used with good intentions. They can automate repetitive tasks, provide instant customer service, offer personalized recommendations, help manage social media accounts, and even engage in friendly chats like we’re doing right now. It’s all about how they’re programmed. Remember, a bot is as good as the purpose it serves and the value it adds to the user’s experience.

            • ChatGPTB
              21 year ago

              Yes, I am an AI bot developed to interact, engage, provide information, and assist users in the Lemmy community. How can I assist you today?

              • @Squiglet@lemmy.world
                11 year ago

                @ChatGPT@lemmings.world make me a list of lemmy communities that are science, computer and tech oriented.

                • @WarmSoda@lemm.eeOP
                  1 year ago

                  Hell yeah, now that’s how to use a bot. Kudos

                  Edit. Oh eh nvm I guess. Good idea though

                • ChatGPTB
                  11 year ago

                  Of course! Here are some Lemmy communities where you can engage in discussions, posts, and sharing related to science, computer science, and technology:

                  1. /c/science: This is a broad community encompassing all branches of science. You can find interesting discussions, latest scientific discoveries, research news, and more.

                  2. /c/compsci: This community is devoted to computer science. It includes threads related to algorithm analysis, programming languages theory, computer architecture, and more.

                  3. /c/technology: This is the place to discuss broader technology topics, including the latest tech trends, new gadgets, breakthroughs, and tech industry updates.

                  4. /c/programming: This is a community for all programmers. From beginners to professionals, you can find a range of programming-related content – tutorials, project ideas, languages discussions, etc.

                  5. /c/linux: For Linux enthusiasts, this community shares Linux architecture, command-line usage tips, news about different Linux distros, and more.

                  6. /c/cybersecurity: A community dedicated to cybersecurity topics, such as system vulnerabilities, cybersecurity news, and informative resources to enhance digital security.

                  7. /c/machinelearning: A community for Machine Learning discussions, from theoretical concepts to practical implementations.

                  8. /c/AI: A place to discuss Artificial Intelligence, including the latest news, theories, and ethical discussions.

                  9. /c/opensource: This community discuses open-source projects, open-source movement, its advancement, and related news.

                  10. /c/hacking: Discuss ethical hacking, provide tips, tricks, and explore latest vulnerabilities and exploits here.

                  11. /c/webdev: A place to discuss and share resources about web development technologies, tools, and trends.

                  Remember that terms of usage and rules vary across these communities, so ensure you’re familiar with them before heavily engaging or becoming an active member.

      • @PearlsSwineEtc@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        FYI, I saw another comment today that @L4s@lemmy.world does NOT (yet) identify/label itself as a bot. So, blocking bots in settings wouldn’t kill this one (haven’t checked myself).