• @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    387 months ago

    Where are these brain dead polls coming from? The only young people I know voting for Trump were already MAGAs. Not saying we don’t need to fight like hell. We do. But wtf is all this bullshit?

    • @Jaeger86@lemmy.world
      247 months ago

      I mean I’m pretty sure trump would funnel even more weapons to Israel cause you know military industrial complex

      • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Fucking for real. You’d have to be shoveling paint chips down your throat to think this is a good idea.

    • Lividpeon
      47 months ago

      Psy op from GOP/outsiders. Planting the seeds of division ahead of the next election, expect way more of thise kind of garbage.

  • Heresy_generator
    7 months ago

    If you’re wondering how this poll could so completely disagree with this poll:

    Young voters right now overwhelmingly prefer Biden: The Economist/YouGov poll

    It’s because they’re both fucking useless and you should ignore (and remember to always ignore in the future) anyone dishonest enough to pretend that you can draw conclusions about voters under 30 from either one of them.

    The NY Times/Sienna poll had 179 18-29 year old respondents while the Economist/YouGov poll had 168 18-29 year old respondents; those sample sizes are of zero scientific value.

    • PP_GIRL_
      7 months ago

      those sample sizes are of zero scientific value.

      Tell me you never took statistics without telling me you never took statistics. A sample size of ~1,100 randomly selected people is a statistically accurate sample size for the US population likely voters. Of that, the 18-29 YO demographic is accurately represented by the 179/168 surveyed.

      • Hypx
        27 months ago

        The main issue is that no one can generate random samples anymore. Not via landlines anyways. The problem is that scientific polling is nearly impossible now.

      • Heresy_generator
        7 months ago

        Neither 179 nor 168 is enough of a sample size to draw conclusions; if you don’t understand that then your statistics professor completely failed.

        The total sample doesn’t matter when you’re only pulling out a small part of it. If I polled 10,000 people but only 20 of them were over 100 I can’t go around saying shit like “A majority of people over 100 say” this or that.

  • @Telorand@reddthat.com
    37 months ago

    Here’s the actual poll they keep yammering about.

    I seriously doubt their conclusions. Because young people also know that if Trump was in the Oval Office, he wouldn’t just fund a proxy war, he’d send drones and troops to actively participate.

    Moreover, 10% of respondents wouldn’t say who they’d vote for. That’s about 16mil people, if you extrapolate the percentage to the broader population—more than enough to swing the election. I know I’m not alone in hoping for someone better than Joe Biden, but I’ll do my duty to stop fascism by voting for him, if I have to, when the time comes.

  • HubertManne
    17 months ago

    these things are so ridiculous. it was one thing to push articles about not voting biden but yeah right. trump over biden for middle east matters?! iranian general anyone

  • AutoTL;DRB
    07 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    According to a New York Times/Siena College poll released on Tuesday, 72% of registered voters age 18-29 disapprove of Biden’s handling of the conflict.

    Even more concerning for the White House, if the election were held today Trump would hold a 6-point lead over Biden among registered voters in the demographic.

    Exit polls are imperfect, but losing major support among young voters could doom Biden’s reelection bid.

    It’s worth taking any poll about the 2024 general election with the historical hindsight of knowing that the race can change massively.

    Despite that possibility, the Times/Siena poll confirms that Biden’s decision to largely back up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his nation’s retaliation against Hamas after the terrorist group killed some 1,200 people has come with major political consequences.

    There is a larger divide on supplying more aid to Israel, 54% of voters would back additional economic and military assistance compared to 38% that would oppose it.

    The original article contains 479 words, the summary contains 156 words. Saved 67%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @curiousaur@reddthat.com
    -27 months ago

    This is what I’ve been saying! He’s toast. The young people didn’t want Hillary and we saw what happened then. The Democrats need to start deciding who the next candidate is going to be NOW. I think Bernie has another campaign in him and could pull it off. Or Newsome, who’s already been in the bullpen warming up. Whoever it is needs to be strongly against genocide.

  • Yer Ma
    -67 months ago

    Polls are trash statistics that should be thrown out with the rest of the medias garbage

  • Yer Ma
    -77 months ago

    Polls are trash statistics that should be thrown out with the rest of the medias garbage

  • Yer Ma
    -77 months ago

    Polls are trash statistics that should be thrown out with the rest of the medias garbage

  • Yer Ma
    -77 months ago

    Polls are trash statistics that should be thrown out with the rest of the medias garbage