I have a NAS as my primary photo backup solution and one day someone will make a photo frame that I can point at it and it will just cycle through photos, but until that day, it’s just a blackhole of memories. That said, that blackhole is important enough to me that I also back up online.
That said, given the new AI race, it’s less safe than ever before and I’m seeking somewhere I can stick my photos and videos really cheaply and securely. Somewhere with pedigree that seems like it would be around in ten years. Also, someone with a modern design team so the app doesn’t look like shit (preferably an open source Material You app targetting Android 14) and I can get notifications with daily memories.
Ente is cool, but not cheap. Immich is free.
What does AI have to do with your NAS being less secure?
The AI is about my pictures being used to train facial recognition when they’re sitting in the cloud.
But that wouldn’t happen if your NAS is your backup solution, right?
If OP is attempting a 3-2-1 Backup scheme, this is an irrelevant argument.
OP wants to store a backup in a different physical location while trusting that it won’t be used to train AI. They are looking for services that can satisfy that.
This. My NAS does a good job. But if it dies, I’ll lose everything, hence wanting to backup my NAS photos.
Edit: Good job is stretching it. I need to invest in a new NAS next year.
Now that makes sense. Didn’t realize we were talking about back ups!
Any reason you don’t just encrypt before backing up?
Not the OP, but I tried encrypting my files before uploading them to OneDrive. Microsoft did not liked that and was constantly bugging me regarding potential threats.
For the moment, lacking any better solution/knowledge, I put DIY encrypted cloud backups on hold (and went back to using iCloud which as far as I understand is encrypted, and as I’d rather not have MS nor Google constantly sniffing my personal files at all) but I will have a look at Hetzner offering. If it’s doable for a non-geek like myself to configure a Storage Box for automated backups, I may decide to use that instead. Being EU-based makes it a + as far as I’m concerned.
The Ente suggestion went right under my radar. It actually looks like a really solid suggestion, thank you.
I’ve used ente on a family plan for the last year and really like it. Although I have the aptitude to run a NAS, the last thing I want to do in my free time is look at a terminal. So for me, ente has been great - pretty plug and play.
No worries! Curious your thoughts on it if you decide to check it out more.
So the plan as it currently stands is to do real time photo backups with Immich and then back that up to a hetzner storage plan. But it’s just a plan for now since I haven’t even installed Immich yet. But the thinking is that it’s cheaper than Ente, which looks good and gives me more wiggle room.