Im using neovim with nvchad, and i discovered accidentally that when im in edit mode and i type j more than 3 times in insert mode, it kicks me out of it, why does it happen?
I havent used nvchad before but im assuming theres a mapping set to make that behaviour happen
Would be in a core/mappings file if its from nvchad or a custom/mappings file if its not (inside where you cloned the repo to)
I’d like to figure out that mapping. I do this all the time. I forget I’m in insert mode, try to move the curser with ‘j’ and just end up typing a bunch of j’s that I have to delete.
This happens because it’s a shortcut to jump out of insert mode.
Try doing a ripgrep search for “jjj” in
. The standard nvchad mapping for this isfw
. If you find something, then that’s where the mapping comes from.