• DessertStorms
    7 months ago

    I’m starting to feel like there’s not much choice

    wait until you hear about renting (for those of us who really don’t have a choice) - you get to be a wage slave and at the mercy of a greedy landlord…

  • @general_kitten@sopuli.xyz
    517 months ago

    by buying a house you get to be a wage slave for a couple dozen years, By renting you can be a wage slave for your whole life

    • @kandoh@reddthat.com
      147 months ago

      By renting a home, you’ll pay 1300 a month for the rest of your life.

      By buying a home, you’ll pay 800 dollars a month for the rest of your life, with the occasional 5 - 10 thousand dollars surprises every now and again.

      • @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
        127 months ago

        Except in the end you can also sell that house for $600k-$900k+ at 65 years old then use half of that to rent the next 30 years and have the rest to do whatever the fuck you want.

          • @Enk1@lemmy.world
            37 months ago

            Not true, unfortunately. Insurance and property taxes go up and payment on those is typically held in escrow with your mortgage. If you’re unfortunate enough to live in a state with a clown taint for a governor, like say Ron DeSantis, your mortgage payment could, for example, go up by $600/month this year. Ask me how I know.

            • @JPJones@startrek.website
              57 months ago

              Insurance and property taxes aren’t part of the mortgage outside of an escrow account, so yes, it is true.

              Regardless, the point is still that rents will increase a lot more than monthly overhead for owning.

            • @Kage520@lemmy.world
              27 months ago

              Florida has a really great Homestead though, capping your property tax increases to 3% per year. For the insurance, you can probably get Citizens, which isn’t great but it’s something.

        • @kandoh@reddthat.com
          47 months ago

          So long as the government continues to exercise control over supply to ensure that your investment goes up. There are places like Japan where the value of your home decreases over time because they build new housing when its needed.

    • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      It’s cute that you think life is inexpensive once you pay off your mortgage at 65 and have spent several thousand dollars throughout the years maintaining that house that would’ve otherwise been put into your savings account

      • @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
        247 months ago

        If it weren’t more profitable to own a house than it were to rent, there wouldn’t be such a thing as landlords.

        • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
          47 months ago

          No one said it wasn’t. It’s just that people think it’s easier and more profitable than it often is. also people for some reason are okay with giving a bank an absurd amount of money just because they think it’s a better deal. And no I don’t have to like giving money to a landlord to make this observation

          • @herrvogel@lemmy.world
            137 months ago

            It definitely is a better deal though, if you can scrape up the sum.

            You rent for 20 years, all the money you’ve spent over those 240 months is gone forever. That wealth has been transferred from you to another entity. It’s not yours anymore in any way shape or form.

            You buy a house, your wealth just changes shape. Money in your bank account becomes real estate with your name on the papers. You still have your wealth, for the most part. Sure you’ll lose some on the maintenance and the mortgage and whatnot, but long term it’s not even in the same ballpark of 240 months of rent.

            Not a difficult decision to make, if, again, you are in a position to make it in the first place.

            • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              -37 months ago

              Have you read my other comments? I don’t really need an explanation of how home ownership works. I owned a home for a decade. I lost money. I’m not saying that always happens, just that there are several factors not considered by many people who want to be a homeowner. Yes, it’s practically always less expensive, but it’s also often stressful.

              You rent for 20 years, all the money you’ve spent over those 240 months is gone forever.

              … we pay for things we’d rather not deal with all the time. No, it’s not money pissed into the wind, I got something for it. Peace of mind for those 20 years. Sleeping in instead of mowing the grass or taking the mower to a mechanic so I can do that.

              I have enough stress to deal with without maintaining a property. I may decide to make that trade off again some day, but it’s absolutely not this cut and dried thing where renting is stupid if you can own. There are a lot of tradeoffs involved in owning vs renting.

              • @JPJones@startrek.website
                17 months ago

                In the short term, renting isn’t always stupid if you can own, but most of the time it is. In the long term, renting is, with very rare exceptions, much worse than buying. For context, even those who bought in 2005 at the peak of the last housing bubble on a fixed 30y are saving a fuckton by owning rather than renting. They would be paying 3-4x more renting than owning today.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        7 months ago

        Over time the mortgage payment is less expensive than it was at first, due to inflation. My rent is 3x more than my neighbor’s mortgage because they bought their house 15 years ago.

      • DagonPie
        -17 months ago

        Ah yes. Fill a landlords pocket or a bank. Does it really matter? At least after you pay your mortgage off, that money just goes to taxes and then you “own” that property. Instead of renting until you die. Get real.

        • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          I have done both, home ownership is also expensive and more stressful. Unless you’ve owned a home for over 10 years maybe don’t get so mad at me for telling you that the American dream is a lie

          • @StereoTrespasser@lemmy.world
            57 months ago

            We owned and went back to renting. Home ownership sucks. Taxes, maintenance, the stress of finding contractors who couldn’t care less about you, Saturdays at the Home Depot, being trapped under the weight of a mortgage for 10+ years before you even see a mild positive increase in your equity…it’s a joke. And if you want to move? Forget it. You’re stuck.

            • @Asafum@feddit.nl
              77 months ago

              I have the exact opposite problem, I’m sick of moving. I have to move just about every 2 years because of some bullshit my landlord pulls… I just want stability, to know I don’t have to worry about looking for a new place so damn often…

              • Mellibird
                47 months ago

                Prior to buying our house, the longest I had lived in one house/apt for the past decade was no more than 2 years. After being in our house for a year, it legit felt weird to not be packing up our things and getting ready to vacate. It was amazing to not have to go through the stress of finding a decent place at a decent price and then moving. It also felt so much better knowing how much some of my friends pay for their Apts and that my mortgage is cheaper than their tiny ass one bedroom. And that my monthly price isn’t going to increase next year like everyone else who’s renting and needs to renew their leases. Yeah, we’re the ones who take care of our own maintenance and yard work. But everything we’ve done so far would be things that we would have taken care of ourselves in a rented house.

                The responsibility is more yes. The decrease in stress in regards to finding a new place to live constantly, the general stress of moving, and not having a place that you can legitimately call home has made us feel like this has by far been the superior choice.

            • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              7 months ago

              Exactly! For some reason this makes people angry though. Be careful 😉

              I think that people also have this idea that it’s easy to maintain a property. Maybe – temporarily – if you find the right place. I always had a list of like 10 things I needed to do. Every time I started one of those things, the job suddenly got more expensive and time consuming than anticipated. Also, mowing/weedeating a yard is literally the last way I ever want to spend hours of my weekends.

          • DagonPie
            27 months ago

            Im sorry you are such a miserable person. I hope your day gets better.

          • NoIWontPickaName
            17 months ago

            I have done both too, owning is so much better even with the maintenance.

            Did changing the water heater element that could only be accessed from outside in the middle of winter suck?

            Yep, but I had the option to just call a guy if I wanted.

            But I could hang pictures, paint and reshape the landscape however I wanted.

            • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              17 months ago

              Ok great. I’m writing these messages as a warning to those bystanders who are thinking about buying. It can be a way worse experience than I thought it could be.

              But what do I know, I’m just MiSeRaBlE

              • @AquaTofana@lemmy.world
                27 months ago

                I’m on your side bruh. We’ve owned our home since 2013. It’s appreciated $100K, but we also spent $60K last year alone in windows/siding/getting the whole house replumbed because there ended up being a massive leak in the foundation.

                We had planned for the windows/siding, plumbing was just a nice bonus (it was noticed by our siding contractor actually).

                We’ve also replaced the HVAC, leveled the foundation, replaced the HWH, replaced the roof (that was a lucky insurance thing though due to a massive hail storm), replaced the gutters, and the flooring over the years since buying.

                So…if we ever decide/need to sell, we’ll break even.

                And we didn’t buy a shitty house either. It was built in 1995. It was already 18 years old when we got it, and it’s nearly 30 now. People don’t realize that this shit doesn’t last forever.

                That being said, while I will be Team Renter when we leave this duty station, I’m also in a privileged position being that I’ll have a pension. I completely understand people who don’t have that safety net wanting a little more stability/security.

                • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                  27 months ago

                  That sounds like such a hassle! Worse than mine stress wise for sure but it sounds like you’ll do a little better than I did financially. I bought a somewhat shitty house admittedly (built around 1960 and needed a bit of work but fully livable), and definitely lost money. I thought breaking even was the worst that could’ve happened…

                  The point I’m making is that owning is not a panacea, and has a whole host of its own issues. I’m glad someone else gets that!

  • southsamurai
    187 months ago

    Either way, you end up slaving away for someone else’s profit. Either a landlord or a bank.

    • @Signtist@lemm.ee
      67 months ago

      Eh, owning land is the closest thing a regular person can have to a real investment. I bought a shitty house back in 2019 and sold it recently without having made any improvements to it at all, yet it sold for enough money to offset all of the mortgage payments I’d made since purchasing it. Sure, all it did was make me break even on housing, rather than actually profiting from it, but that’s a hell of a lot better than 4 years of $1,000+ rent payments a month down the drain. I’d likely have made a decent profit if I’d done anything to fix it up.

      I used the money from the sale to buy an actually decent house in a better neighborhood that I’d never have been able to afford back in 2019, even though my financial situation has stayed pretty much the same. And this house will likely sell for an actual profit in a few years if I decide to move again, while being a great place to live in the meantime to boot.

  • @Paddzr@lemmy.world
    127 months ago

    I accept that I will not benefit from this. But my son will. Even if he sells it once I’m gone and helps him elsewhere. Just got to not fail as a parent and teach him not to spend it on ethots!

    • @MasterNerd@lemm.ee
      117 months ago

      Until you get laid off in corporate downsizing to increase profits by .5% and then you can’t afford your mortgage and the bank seizes your house

      • @shasta@lemm.ee
        27 months ago

        This is what an emergency fund is for. And you would also end up homeless if you’re renting and lose your income. It’s no better. At least with the house, you could sell it if you need the money. You’ll just lose a bit, but not everything.

      • r00ty
        27 months ago

        But actually a lot of businesses do the same, so there’s now a lot of middle size repossessed houses on the market and no-one that can buy them. So they auction it, and another corporation buys it up for their rental portfolio at half the price you paid. So now the bank comes after you for the rest of the money, for the rest of your life.

        But you can feel happy that the banks didn’t lose, and the corporations won!

  • FartsWithAnAccent
    117 months ago

    You’re a wage slave regardless unless you’re rich or lucky: Gotta have money to eat, get healthcare, have shelter, etc

    • @Enk1@lemmy.world
      47 months ago

      Rich get richer. Had some recent inheritance roll to an IRA, looking at mutual funds to put it into until I’m required to withdraw it. There are ones tracking at 30-45% returns month after month while the economy is in the shitter. Want in? Minimum purchase amount for those funds is $100,000-250,000. The funds normal people can afford pull down more like 15% RoR on aggressive investments, which are super volatile.

      You have to be wealthy to get wealthy. 99% of us are getting fucked by the 0.1% - the 1% just happen to have enough money to get into the lower levels of the game, but the 0.1% have investment options we’ll never be party to.

      It’s amazing how many people will simp for these billionaires like Musk, and claim they’re “in the game” with their investments and net worth. They’re not. If your net worth is less than mid eight figures, you’re not in the game, you’re a rounding error.

  • @carnimoss
    27 months ago

    Don’t you need a large down payment?

      • themeatbridge
        97 months ago

        Oh no! Homeless people are sheltering in unoccupied real estate without going to prison! They should just die outside to protect the investors who rely on homelessness to maintain property values!