Hello Everybody,
my newest project is a iOS/iPad/Mac app for managing Proxmox Clusters, Nodes and Guests. I wanted to create an app that is easy to use and build with native SwiftUI and without external libraries.
I writing that post because I’m looking for feedback. The app just launched and I want to gather some Ideas or Hiccups you guys may encounter and I’m happy to hear from you!
The app is free to use in the basic cluster overview. Here are some Features:
- TOTP Support
- Start, stop, restart, and reset VMs/LXCs
- Connect to guests through the noVNC-Console
- Monitor the utilization and details of the Proxmox cluster or server, as well as the VMs/LXCs
- View disks, LVM, directories, and ZFS
- List tasks and task-details
- Show backup-details
- Connect to Cluster/Node via reverse proxy
Also I have some features on my roadmap. Next up I want to implement Widgets and a better iPad/Mac Layout.
I hope to hear from you!
I’m not at all familiar with IOS app development, however given you’re using the native SwiftUI I’m guessing there’s no chance for an android port? This looks so much nicer than the options we have.
Please reconsider the feature paywall
Little feedback:
- when not entering all requires fields, its not visible which fields are required
- server adress is defsult keyboard where the number keyboard is expected
- when entering the username, and then clicking on password, the screen randomly glitches back up a little, making the password field go out of view.
- when trying to connect to a non proxmox host, it takes longer than 5s and then the app closes itself
- its only possible to check the cpu chart of all nodes, and not cpu of node 1 and ram of node 2, etc. The slider moves on all nodes
iPhone 12 btw :)
This must be so much fun to build! I’ll have to try it out. Best of luck!
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You are a blessing. Im bullding my homelab rn and wanted to use Proxmox as a Host, thought of a app to manage my proxmox host but couldnt find one that I like visually.
Yours seems very promising and Im definitely giving you feedback once I have my setup ready.
Do you have an email where I can give you feedback then or should I just save the post and come back?
I have only visual feedback, on the overview page you can maybe set the ‘%’ in a lower size font, it takes almost the space of 2 digits, or make all 3 arches bigger, but I don’t know the dimension limitations you are working with
under that on the same page you have a toggle between cpu, ram and network, and under that is storage, I would have it showing all stacked, but touching the label title it would collapse, so you can show or hide everything, or any combination of the four
Thank you for your good feedback and giving it a try! I change the percentage size. I’ll hit you up as soon as I reworked that. Currently I prioritised bug fixing, bit I put it on my list!
«Not available in your country» D:
I’m sorry… Unfortunately I had to disable only one country…
I found a bug! When connecting to a cluster it show all the node in the cluster when I see the node details it shows the node details of the first node only and not the other
Also about the paywall I think guest overview and actions and maybe the noVNC console should be free
Oh that’s a good find, thanks! I’ll hit you up, when its fixed.
Thank you for your humble opinion, but than only disks and backups remaining paid what are the lesser used features I would think. I had to make a trade-off at some point and I just want to be able to keep up the work.
This is really well done! Keep up the hard work. Looking forward to future updates.
Thanks a lot! There will be coming!
The app looks nice! Minor issue: when in the overview screen, click the server select button and then dismiss the window (by pulling down). I’d expect the current server to stay active, but instead no server is active and I’m presented with the black screen.
Thank you very much for your feedback! The server-connection is getting reseted when clicking on the server selection. If you want to connect to the same server you can click it again and there is no totp connection required again (unless you change between servers). I though much about how to design this, but there are some other implications then not resetting and I thought the tradeoff is worth it, because if you click the server-selection the chances are high that you change between servers. I hope that’s no deal-breaker for you.
No, it is definitely not a deal-breaker. However, it does feel a bit weird.