Former President Donald Trump on Saturday attempted to turn the tables on his likely rival in November, President Joe Biden, arguing that the man whose election victory Trump tried to overturn is “the destroyer of American democracy.”

Trump’s allegations about Biden, a Democrat, echo the ones that Biden has been making for years against his predecessor. As Trump has dominated the Republican presidential primary and talked about targeting his rivals and the news media if he wins the White House again, Biden has stepped up his own warnings, contending Trump is “ determined to destroy American democracy.”

On Saturday, Trump made his most explicit argument to date on why voters should instead see his rival as the bigger democratic threat. Trump repeated his longstanding contention that the four criminal indictments against him show Biden is misusing the federal justice system against his rival.

“He’s been weaponizing government against his political opponents like a Third World political tyrant,” Trump said to a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. “Biden and his radical left allies like to pose as standing up as allies of democracy,” Trump continued, arguing: “Joe Biden is not the defender of American democracy, Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy.”

    4210 months ago

    Republicans are an existential threat to the united states.

    We need to stop treating them like they just have a different opinion.

    If you ever wondered what you would do if you found yourself in germany before WW2, now’s your chance to find out.

      1410 months ago

      Holy hell - I had a MAGA woman pontificate about this recently, going on and on about the “mob rule” of democracy. I know how our government works, Tamara, and I still don’t support your fourth reich aspirations.

        510 months ago

        They have been doing this “well, actually” thing about democracy for as long as I can remember, most especially the Libertarians and the “classical liberal” type of Republicans.

        But they have been mainstreaming this more and more and it’s been turned up to 11, and I think there is a reason their thought leaders have been leading them down this path…and it’s not a good reason.

        As always, I recommend people read Democracy in Chains. If there is/are related documentary(ies) that forward the same information, I’d love to know about them.

      610 months ago

      Nah, his followers have selective amnesia where they individually forget anything he says that they don’t like. Remember when he said he was going to confiscate guns without due process?

    1610 months ago

    Projection, always projection. It has been the case with Republicans for decade upon decade.

    This is why I say no Republican should be allowed into office, ever.

    1510 months ago

    Trump: Biden is destroying Democracy! Also Trump: I’m waging a War on Democracy!

    Republicans: Both make sense and I think for myself!

  • TomMasz
    910 months ago

    Just think, we haven’t hit peak 1984 yet. “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

    910 months ago

    Welcome! Come one come all to the new stage! No more do policies hold the limelight. Never again shall we bore with the drab and dull of debate. Breathe the naked excitement of pure human excrement flung to and fro. The great halls of man metamorphisised, and from the magneficient cocoon has birthed a grimy throne of porcelain. Diminish your standards, and revel in the filth! The new man is forever here!

    710 months ago

    The classic 2nd grade playground bully argument:

    “I’m Rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you”