Currently drawing that daily… sometimes a lot more…
129kWh/month (approx $10.2)
…100% solar powered…
In eu for 35$ wish to have usa prices
Next step: a home battery for night usage… (or can you compensate night usage with solar too? In that case: lucky you! (Where I live this is now impossible, so i bought a battery))
Idk I have cheap electricity, 7c day 6 night so I just have it on its own
My entire server rack uses about 150wh so 24/7 it calculates out to about 11.50 USD
Similar wattage, but that calculates to about 44€ per month cries in german electricity costs
atm im not running much since not much time to lab, just the base stack.
about 35€/mo for 650w average consumption.
Mine is sadly over an order of magnitude higher than this…
500w idle, 900w under load, 360kW/month
Costs around 13$ USD
400-500W ~100$ per month.
I make nothing, I give people shit. Yay.
Way beyond. Germany.
UPS load - 50W average. 13¢/KW. About $4.8/month
My lab is around 65-70W, thats Router + Switch + Server (Ryzen 3600 + 3x 3.5"HDD)
My last lab was 10-15kw, working on lab v2 in a new house and hoping to get that way down. No Vmax this time so fingers crossed haha
Vmax like EMC SAN? Wow I didn’t know people have those in their homes hahaha good luck!
What software is this? Thanks!
What are you using to view and chart your power usage?
About 300W, ~7kWh a day, costs me about $80 AUD a month.