Why? Lol
I update and reboot all of mine about every 1-2 months
up 117 days
I’m less worried about uptime and more inclined to tip my hat to someone who can have several environments spun up via automation and templates
root@sw-core> show system uptime
Current time: 2023-11-30 12:31:41 UTC
Time Source: LOCAL CLOCK
System booted: 2023-04-01 10:08:51 UTC (34w5d 02:22 ago)
Protocols started: 2023-04-01 10:14:36 UTC (34w5d 02:17 ago)
Last configured: 2023-11-12 12:38:21 UTC (2w3d 23:53 ago) by root
12:31PM up 243 days, 2:23, 1 user, load averages: 0.16, 0.08, 0.08Most of my systems rarely go much beyond 30 days between reboots. I run update playbooks on them ~weekly so they usually reboot to load updated kernel modules and whatnot every 2-4 weeks.
114 days and going strong
update yo shiz
What monitoring tool is that?
127 days, 2hrs, 13 mins at the moment
Little over an hour
120 days
Similar, 29 days. I reboot when I have to update.
Please keep your systems up to date. :)
Yes, please do so.
If your System does not support Liver Kernel Patching, long Uptime can be a huge security risk.
3 hours 15 minutes :)
I have a few switches that are at 2yrs 5mos. A lot of the lab has been switched out within the last 6 months, So the majority of it is in the 3-6 month range.