The image didnt load for me properly, so here it is:
Just saw that you shared, thank you. OP provided the link to save an archive of the meme, somehow.
Or when you pull up beside them at the red light.
When the light they had to stop at turns green.
If you time it right and if the rushy dweebs don’t block all the lanes, you’ll fly right by them, coasting.
Right behind them at the exit a few miles later.
There’s got to be one of those super specific German words for that feeling when you pull up next them at the light. Like Schadenfreude but for this specific instance.
How the hell did you manage to link not the meme, not the archive of the meme, but the link to saving an archival snapshot of the meme?
Fixed link:
Chad behavior, posting without caring whether anyone can even see it.
😆 thanks edited
Glad I could help XD I was legitimately baffled…
The most difficult game to play is to drive calmly (almost never use the brake pedal) while leaving plenty of room for assholes to merge in front of you. Requires huge amounts of attention and emotional discipline. Best game on the highway though.
Kudos to you.
The annoying thing is: if everyone did this, phantom traffic jams wouldn’t be a thing, and even real road obstructions would have significantly less impact and we would all get where we want to go faster, collectively. But we won’t, because I got mine.
Also me every day at 4pm passing everyone stuck in traffic with my bicycle.
I would love to bike because if this. I sit in traffic jams all the time. But even with the car, I drive 40 Minutes. Wait, let me check how long I would need with the bike. Ah only 1h56m :) Yea not gonna do that. I’m faster at home even with traffic jams, and they are not every day.
I’m lucky that my city has good cycling infrastructure, so the ratio isn’t so skewed. You should get your city to creat some, then see how that works.
Yeah let me just “get the city to creat some”, it’s that easy
Living in a village. Can’t afford to move out yet.
That’s unfortunate. Many smaller communities were designed around cars leaving no other feasible choice but to drive.
As soon as I can move to some better place, I will switch to the bike instantly because I hate car driving.
No matter the infrastructure, it takes a while to go 15 miles each way. Granted, its more consistent (with an ebike at least). At the extreme end, the drive to work has taken over 2 hours once. So biking would have been much faster. Most days is like 15-20 minutes for the drive vs 55-65 minutes for the bike ride
How was that fast lane working for ya? Ya dingus!
Aggressive drivers are always in a rush to commit vehicular homicide. They just gotta run somebody over with their car right the fuck now.
If America didn’t require a car to live in so many places, I’d support a single strike aggressive driving license revocation policy.
Death machines not found in the sacred texts are a privilege not a right.
at least once a month i have to dodge some moron passing on the right (and through empty, marked, parking spaces…which is not legal), someone who is either turning left or had stopped for me—in a marked crosswalk, and literally right in front a fucking sign that says ‘stop for pedestrians’.
Don’t it always seem to go
You try going fast and end up going slow
You don’t realise
You’d be faster on a bike
You try going fast
And end up going slowly
Bikes might be faster
I was in traffic on the weekend that was doing about half the speed limit, and passed a car that had been pulled over. I thought they must have done something pretty impressive to manage that.
In that amount of traffic? Probably driving on the shoulder.
Over the holidays I was driving behind a line of maybe 10 cars, all clearly wanting to go over 55, but not willing to floor it to pass the person going 57 on a two lane road with occasional oncoming cars.
Being the person I am, I like to keep a healthy distance when driving like that just in case I need to hit the brakes hard.
People behind me kept getting super impatient and flashing brights, honking, eventually flooring it to go around me…
All to end up going the exact same speed they were before, but now behind 10 cars that aren’t me.
I did get that satisfying feeling of seeing someone fly by at over 100 on a highway, and then a few miles down they were pulled over, so that was fun. ACAB but so are you for reckless driving.
I drive a larger vehicle for work so it’s difficult to see past me. It’s amusing when both lanes are clogged with some moron going 65.2 passing a semi going 65 and the person behind me tries to pass me on the right. They get about half way out the lane, see what’s ahead and go back to following me. I get to laugh in between curing the one who doesn’t know where the gas pedal is.