I thought it might be nice to set up a thread in which we can recommend game systems to one another. What do you like? Why? Give us a quick blurb about a game you like and why you think others might like it. Maybe call out if you think it would be good for absolute beginners or folks new to the OSR/NSR. Oh and the genre too. If this gains some steam, I’ll pin it to the sidebar for easy access.
Hey there, just joined the party late, but since it haven’t been named here, I’d like to add my favorite OSR/NSR systems:
Beyond the Wall & other Adventures is a super basic (in the B/X sense) low fantasy, low magic system, that wants to create the atmosphere of Le Guins Earthsea, Krabat and European mythology (and does it well imo). 3 basic classes, but lots of flavour created through character books. Speaking of this, character creation is zero-prep and a village is created alongside it, to give a starting point and linking aspect for the group.