A voter-approved Oregon gun control law violates the state constitution, a judge ruled Tuesday, continuing to block it from taking effect and casting fresh doubt over the future of the embattled measure.
The law requires people to undergo a criminal background check and complete a gun safety training course in order to obtain a permit to buy a firearm. It also bans high-capacity magazines.
The plaintiffs in the federal case, which include the Oregon Firearms Federation, have appealed the ruling to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The case could potentially go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
I saw a single panel comic some years ago that I can’t seem to find anywhere, and it went something like this:
Young pierced and tattooed liberal looking kid in his back yard taking a hacksaw to a rifle to destroy .o0(that’ll show em!)
Meanwhile a giant skinhead is peering over the fence grinning with a swastika tatted on his forehead and about 20 rifles slung over his back.
People just don’t get it. The fascists are armed to the teeth. They’ve made it clear that if queers and poc don’t shut up and stay in the shadows, genocide is on the table. You really wanna make sure they’re the only ones with guns when another Trump or whatever other fascist presidency is entirely possible? Because that’s precisely what you’re doing when you argue for gun control. The government won’t confiscate all arms in America, they couldn’t if they tried. the most they can do is restrict further purchases, the genie can’t be put back in the bottle, and the right is already laying on a dragons hoard of small arms.
Everyone gets it but you.
The fascists are armed to their teeth because dumb fucks following dumb rules allowed it.
That’s the reason they are NOT armed to their teeth where I live and if they try to get armed they run a real risk of going to jail. I read about it every other week, because they keep trying and fortunately most keep failing.
And that’s why I as a not so young, but tattooed and obviously liberal looking dude can walk around without a care in the world and I train how to choke a mf out just for my personal enjoyment and not for any real world need to.
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Sounds great. So, can you whisk us away in your Time Machine to before there were approximately 393.3 million civilian owned firearms in the United States?
I’ll never understand this bizarre fucking response. “Oh it’s so hard to fix this we should just all lie down and die instead”. It’s everywhere but guns and climate change seem to draw it out the most.
Okay, cool. Tell me how the fuck it’s done then. Tell me how we remove over 300,000,000 guns from the hands of American citizens. Spell it out like I’m fucking 5.
If you got a gun without permit you go to jail.
There is a timeframe in which to give away your gun, maybe you even get compensated if you do.
Enforcement is key obviously.
Poof 99% of guns gone.
Worked just fine in Australia which I think had more guns per person than the US but I might be mistaken and can’t be arsed to look up a source for you to ignore.
Okay. Australia confiscated 650,000 guns after Port Arthur. Australians currently own around 3.6 million firearms. Legally. 4 for each Australian. Americans own 393 million. Australians have currently .009% of the guns Americans have.
Now circle back and consider that there are 393 million firearms in the US. Most of which never required a permit, just a background check. In private sales of long guns in most states, no background check was even required. Law enforcement has no idea who owns the guns. Now couple that with a gun culture of “from my cold dead hands”.
We are not Australia. Nothing short of full scale military intervention could disarm the American public.
You’re an uneducated child spewing idiocy because it makes you feel ideologically superior. Go sit down.
Wow you really showed me there. That was fun.
Maybe some day someone less uneducated than me will check your slightly suspicious numbers, but it won’t be me.
I sit down happily knowing the chance of me getting shot to death are pretty slim, you keep standing tall big guy.