I’m looking for an LDAP server and I’m aware of OpenLDAP.
I’d like to inquire within the community about any alternatives that are currently in use. My primary criterion is a user-friendly GUI.
OpenLDAP multi-master with a bunch of custom schemas.
LLDAP is the simplest and covers most basic needs.
Regular Active Directory Domain Services works great.
Not really feasible to run in a home setting
Says who? Havent had any problems over 4+ years.
I’m using samba as a DC. So far so good. Been about a month.
Fully switched 2 years ago from ADDS, automated the ldaps certs with letsencrypt dns01 challenge and haven’t touched it since, it just works.
OpenLDAP and Eclipse with Apache Directory Studio as plugin for GUI purposes
Lldap looks great compared to Active Directory! What are you guys using to authenticate to radius clients? I currently also use NPS from Microsoft but I would like to use an simple Linux solution.
389-ds with cockpit plugin for administration