• Flying Squid
    558 months ago

    Why doesn’t he just come out and say, “whatever Biden wants to do, no matter how effective, I pledge to do the opposite?” Because that’s what he means. His fans would probably cheer if he did.

  • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
    398 months ago

    his previous trade deal negotiations were trashy giveaways to tech companies. The reason he won’t negotiate a trade deal is because he’s shit at it.

  • Melkath
    -798 months ago

    He’ll do it too.

    The order is get elected. Drink the blood of the only non-rapist priest left, end all unions on Earth, genocide Palestine harder than Biden did, swear in, push his diet coke button, put on the infinity gauntlet, snap his fingers, then he will rip the fabric that separates Hell from earth.

    No metaphor.

    Dem long haired scorpionish things wearing armor gonna be stinging us all over.

    Oooooor: we will be forced to tolerate annoying tweets for another 4 years, then decidedly allow him the shelter of a club fed cell because his life of bank fraud will be addressed, and a President can’t pardon civil verdicts…

    I’ll vote for AOC. Won’t vote for Biden. Would rather not suffer through another round of Trump, but we’d all live.

    • @Xtallll@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      408 months ago

      Get off your privileged fuckig high horse, last time the orange intersection was in office he bungled a pandemic response, he politicized wearing PPE because he didn’t want to smudge his spray tan, he seized medical supplies going to blue states. We lost abortion rights. If all you think he did was bad tweets you need to check your reality.

    • @uberkalden@lemmy.world
      218 months ago

      Are you real? This is so on the nose it comes off as a #walkaway bullshit. Project 2025 is real. We aren’t guaranteed to survive

    • @June@lemm.ee
      188 months ago

      As a queer person, I might not survive another trump presidency. The vitriol that he stirs in his base against marginalized communities got people killed in his first term and will get people killed in his second.

    • Neato
      168 months ago

      This is what right wing propaganda looks like.

    • osarusan
      148 months ago

      but we’d all live.

      This is actually not the case.

      But you, yes, your privileged ass probably will live and be fine. Plenty of other people will be much worse off or even dead under Trump. So feel good and pat yourself about supporting Trump instead of voting for a better world, but spare the rest of us your privileged arrogance.

      • Melkath
        -158 months ago

        But you aren’t a Palestinian, so its cool for you to vote for Biden.

        As long as you aren’t in his splash zone, it is not only okay to vote for Biden, but it gives you holier than thou status over people who didn’t vote for genocide.

        Fuck off with your hypocritical bullshit.

        • osarusan
          108 months ago

          A vote for Biden does more to help Palestinians than your support for Trump does.

          Man. Imagine having not only the privileged arrogance you demonstrate in your previous post, but also the blind conceit to accuse others of hypocrisy when you can’t even see how the consequences of your own actions lead to more harm for the people you claim to care about.

          You’re broadcasting “let them eat cake” levels of arrogant privilege.

          • Melkath
            8 months ago

            Imagine being so fucking stupid that “supporting genocide is better than supporting more genocide, because they require me to support genocide” is your only way to feel noble and superior to others.

            Fuck off you twat.

            Skip the middle man and vote for the big genocide today instead of waiting for the choices to be massive genocide or epic genocide, you Muppet.

            Or be a big boy with critical reasoning skills and stop supporting genocide.

            • osarusan
              98 months ago

              If you can choose between “less genocide” and “more genocide” and you don’t choose “less genocide,” then you have absolutely no moral high ground to stand on.

              Look, if pointing out this issue gets you this angry, it should be a clear sign that deep down you understand the problem and your cognitive dissonance is deafening you to it. Refusing to have a conversation and just resorting to tantrums and namecalling is a bad look, and it betrays the emptiness of your moralizing.

              • Melkath
                -58 months ago

                Why are you so hellbent on needing others tell you what your choices are?

                And why is genocide an option you go “ok” to?

                • osarusan
                  48 months ago

                  The choice is not genocide or no genocide. The choice is less genocide or more genocide.

                  I’m choosing less genocide.

                  You’re saying you’re not ok with genocide, and therefore you choose more genocide.

                  Your position makes no sense.

              • queermunist she/her
                -98 months ago

                If we can make Biden understand that we won’t vote for him without a ceasefire, don’t you think that maybe that will pressure him to change his position? Or do you believe that he is so 100% committed to supporting genocide that absolutely nothing can change his mind?

                • osarusan
                  8 months ago

                  I’m pretty sure that Biden is a reasonable politician who has shown over and over again throughout his long career that he both listens to people and that he is willing to change is mind. He’s done so time and time again.

                  Man it’s unfortunate that you privileged moralizing purists are not as reasonable as Biden. You guys absolutely refuse not to support more and worse genocide for some awfully stupid reason. I would love to see you change your mind and actually work towards the greater good.

                • Melkath
                  8 months ago


                  I feel like you’re highlighting rhetoric that is being lost.

                  I’m not pissing my pants over threat of Trump. Noone should.

                  I am pissing my pants that America is sending money to Israel to buy rockets from American suppliers to execute a genocide.

                  I am passing my pants that a Democrat President that can’t get legislation passed to forgive student loan debt got legislation passed to make it illegal by punishment of prison to go on strike.

                  I am pissing my pants that a Democrat president met with a foreign dictator, identified him as a dictator, buy insist wr should work with him on a fentynal prohibition agenda.

                  I’m tired of “Democrat” being “Republican lite because the Republicans force us to be Republican lite.”

                  The 2 party system can fuck off for all I care until I have a true blue liberal to vote for again.

    • @vxx@lemmy.world
      108 months ago

      You could’ve spared some time and just said that you voted trump twice and will do it again.