I would like to deploy LDAP on PVE container.
Tried below but failure to make LDAP connection.
- OpenLDAP (over Alpine container)
- LLDAP (docker)
Mainly for Wi-Fi - Fortigate / radius / Duo 2FA authentication use.
May I know any good setup guide or better replacement ?
It’s good if has UI for account management.
I use Authentik or keycloak for this stuff, that way I’m not actually running LDAP; just a connector!
Today I would setup Authentik and use their LDAP outpost, but mostly of my use is SAML so that makes sense for me.
I managed OpenLDAP servers professionally for years. You don’t want to use OpenLDAP unless it’s something you want to learn about.
LLDAP (or GLAuth) does everything you need in a homelab context for a fraction of the effort, complexity, and hassle.
I have tried to install on Alpine, but doesn’t know how to configure (create user / domain, etc.)
I wish I read this post 2 years ago, before I set up my OpenLDAP m(
You have climbed mountains and gained skills. Congratulations my friend, now bask in the soothing waters.
If you have 2gb for a separate VM then go with freeipa