How can the tests determine it was ecstasy (pill form) when they would be looking for the pure form MDMA?
Ecstasy is generally just another word for the drug, regardless the form.
I’m sure the test came back with neither MDMA or ecstasy but with 3,4-Methylendioxy-N-methylamphetamine.
The newspaper printed it because ecstasy is better known in public than MDMA or 3,4-Methylendioxy-N-methylamphetamine
Does anyone else have a sinking feeling that the human race is regressing?
Would it be better or worse if humanity has always been like this, we just hear about it more now?
Stop doom scrolling and get out more.
If you read Genesis there’s an account of two women getting their dad drunk and raping him, and that was thousands of years ago
Maybe you need to read more about human history