This is the 3rd time I’ve had to pull my car’s blower fan. The two other times only had one walnut. So this is a whole new level of nonsense.
That squirrel is nuts
How else are they supposed to air dehydrate their acorns?
How does it get there?
… Via the squirrel…
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free walnuts, not sure what you’re complaining about. you should be grateful
He’s taking them from my tree. So I have as many as I want.
free delivery
If you insist on having a walnut-safe in your car and not filling it with your own walnuts, they’re not going to let it go to waste!
I shit you not… same thing happened in my wife’s car with acorns!
Once you find the entrance (assuming you ever do), you might consider installing some metal screen over that.
Just a thought. Bad squirrel!
Hey, at least it wasn’t the moose.
It’s curtains for moose and squirrel!
Is for bad times.
make sure there’s no food in the car
Easier said than done though, when the squirrels are literally bringing food into the car when you’re away or asleep.
This came in through the ventilation ducts to get into the blower fan, didn’t come in through the doors.