I think having a split keyboard so my mouse can be in the middle would really help my comfort at the desk. Is there a style that doubles up the middle keys? My typing style means sometimes I use my right hand to hit T, left to hit Y, etc.
Is this a style already, or would I need to build my own?
I am completely new to this domain and would appreciate advice from knowledgeable enthusiasts.
Because RSIs are life changing and you should change your behavior rather than making it more convenient to harm yourself. Assuming you’re getting a split for the ergonomic benefits, adding an unergonomic feature is extremely illogical.
You can do whatever you want obviously, and a lot of the other commenters are doing a terrible job of explaining any sort of reasoning, but the advice is sound. Several members of my family have had fairly severe RSIs, my mother and my sister-in-law have had to have surgery to regain function in their hands due to carpal tunnel syndrome. I have some constant low-level pain due to similar bad habits when I was young.
I got some training and corrected my workstation and behavior as much as I could to limit the damage, but what’s done is done. If you learn from the mistakes of others, you can avoid those consequences.
Is there a scientific data set showing the damage done to the body by moving your finger an extra centimeter a few times a day?
Why are people so focused on berating this harmless quirk?
Your posture makes a bigger difference, but any repetitive strain will cause damage over time. That stretch may not seem like a big deal, and it’s not if it’s occasional, but it can be if you do it consistently over a long period of time.
But really, what data can I look at to improve my ergonomics? I may not be the perfect human, so I might need weird little this-or-thats to help get me there.
And, if it doesn’t feel stretchy at all? Its just hopping my finger a bit over. I don’t strain.
For the critics: training wheels help lead to biking. Stop shaming my training wheel request :(
Stop whining. They’re trying to help give you training wheels. They’re responding with their experience, and you’re being hypercritical about semantics.
If you go to a medical expert complaining about pain, do you get offended when they tell you how to fix it? And for the natural response “they aren’t doctors”, well (a) they may be and (b) if you really want the level of help you’d expect from a medical professional, perhaps don’t ask the internet.
What the fuck is so offensively wrong that I inquired about a keyboard that works for the way I type?
Your altruistic excuses and coming up with fallacious examples as if they are the same thing.
Every example that you “appropriate” insults another group of people.
You’re a terrible human; that’s what’s offensively wrong.
Very kind of you. Is this how I should speak to people? Tell then they are a terrible human because I’m asking about something and there was some discontent?
Please just be kind. Golden rule dude.
You keep pretending you are innocent here.
Everyone that you’re complaining about, only gave you attitude after you responded to them with attitude. And they gave it back in the same amount, but you took offense.
And now you wanted an answer, you got it, and you’re still trying to take the high ground. Also, don’t preach golden rule and be kind when you the one breaking it first….
Fucking lmfao.
If you see an asshole in the morning, you saw an asshole, if you see assholes all day, you’re the asshole. This quote couldn’t be more accurate to explain you.
For me, ergonomically at a desk, i have to try like fuck to keep my upper arms as close to downward as humanly possible, elbows about 90° and forearms NEVER more than 90° outward or I will royally fuck this dipshit muscle UNDERNEATH either one of my scapulas that can only be partially reached with a tens unit. I mitigated this with seat height, table height, monitor position, and a short keyboard so going for my mouse doesn’t have me exceeding 90°. As for key overlap on a split keyboard, I say fuck yes. I don’t touch type “the right way” and depending on a word, a hotkey, or some application shenanigan, I might be all over the place.
I also use an mmo mouse at work and I assign all kinds of goodies to it, which also helps reduce repetitive typing+stretching.