The Boonta Eve redux of the Obi-Wan series made that series about as good as the source material would allow it, it was an absolutely phenomenal edit.
Are there similar edits of episodes 1 through 3, and if there are, is there a consensus on which edit is the best so that I could try rewatching them?
You want Topher Grace’s edit:
And yes, it’s the same Topher Grace of “That 70’s Show” and “Spiderman 3”.
Unfortunately it’s pretty hard to find. I haven’t looked very hard for a while, but if I see an easy link I’ll leave another comment.
Wow, 85 minutes seeeeems short. I do like topher Grace, though, I believe he’d do a good edit. Have you seen the 85 minute prequel cut?
Not so much hard to find as never released, it sounds like?
Which makes sense of course.
Yeah that does seem to be the case. Im probably misremembering the details as it was ten years ago that I first heard about it.
I really like The Anti-Cheese Edits for Ep 1-3. They back down the Jar Jar content and aliens make alien noises with subtitles like the old movies.
The links are at the bottom of this page on in 1080p:
Full disclosure, I have not tried these exact links but the seem to be real. I got the link off that R site we don’t talk about.
Oh rad thanks, I’ll check them out