These were originally built as a VSAN which I plan on replicating once I build a proper home vSphere environment. Each of the 740s have about 12TB raw in them but I’d like to load the 8 empty bays in each, anyone know where I can get a stack of cheap/used 1.8TB 2.5" SAS drives? I care more about capacity compared to speed as I plan on making the 440 a standalone all flash host.
We’ve still got 7 R640’s in production across two locations.
Same and an R720 😅
I’ve got 2x R720xd’s since they got sorted out at work. Bougjt a “new” power brick for one of those (other 3 were fine) since a capacitor exploaded when i turned it wrong… And that was it. Apperently it just sat in a corner for a year to be soon sorted out and the capacitors were dry…
Anyways, im using those in my homelab so ce then, 24/7 for about half a year now. Power usage is only 210w in idle, unless I have much traffic gling on there… Then it is at about 300w each…
Perfect for my needs. Runs my Proxmox, HomeAssistant, few VMs, filehosting for my Videos, DHCP-Router, Firewall, IPS/IDS Systems (im just getting into this, so i set them up for fun internally) and so on.
Two are allmost too much tbh 😅😂
Well, it depends from the worload, but I would really change them to new hardware already.
That is what I am talking about, they are still good for running them especially for SMB, if they can get refurb servers with hardware support.
Yeap, our customer using used R740s for VMware cluster and Starwinds VSAN for high availability. The only thing I would mention is not using refurb drives.