I have a couple dbs as Docker containers on my homelab and used accross multiple applications and the main ones are PostgreSQL and MariaDB.
I spun up a pgAdmin container in order to vizualize my dbs. PostgreSQL worked like a breeze but for some reason MariaDB cannot be added to pgAdmin no matter what I try. I keep getting an error saying "Unable to connect to server: connection to server at "IP', port 3306 failed: received invalid response to SSL negotiation: q
Neither container has SSL certs associated with them, and I even removed the SSL parameter from the pgAdmin configuration.
I have been able to add this MAriaDB container to a bunch of other aplications (nextcloud, paperless, bookstack, etc.) with no issues so I’m not sure what the problem is with pgAdmin.
Any help would be appreciated.
So, to be clear, you are trying to use a PostgreSQL administration tool to access a MariaDB server, and you’re asking why it’s not working?
version: "3.3" services: cloudbeaver: container_name: cloudbeaver image: dbeaver/cloudbeaver:23.2.0 restart: unless-stopped ports: - 8978:8978 environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - CB_SERVER_URL= - CB_SERVER_NAME=Cloudbeaver volumes: - ./data:/opt/cloudbeaver/workspace healthcheck: test: "wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider --no-check-certificate http://localhost:8978 || exit 1" start_period: 60s
pgAdmin only works with Postgres, that’s why it refuses to connect to MariaDB. The equivalent for Maria and MySQL is phpMyAdmin. But I also suggest using a tool that can handle multiple types of databases, like DBeaver, dbForge, dbSchema, Navicat, HeidiSQL etc.
The „pg“ in pgAdmin has a meaning?
Thank you so much! I asked ChatGPT if pgAdmin was meant to work with MariaDB and it kept saying “yes. It should work” and giving me useless instructions. I thought I was the one doing something wrong.
Here, the last DB GUI you’ll ever need: DBeaver
I just tried this but there doesn’t seem to be a web interface to it. I was hoping I could use it accross my network on different devices.
Any reason why it needs a web interface? There are multiple solutions to work with applications from anywhere, probably the best and easiest is VDI.