What will be banned? Maybe we will see unbans?

I play only Explorer, so I hope for [[Karn, the Great Creator]] ban. Without wishboard MonoG will need to have answers in maindeck, so [[Storm the Festival]] won’t be as consistent as now. Midrange deck, that have combo-finisher ( with [[Pestilent Cauldron]] ) and can loop [[The Stone Brain]], seems too strong right now.

About unbans. I don’t know about 2 cards:

  • [[Nexus of Fate]]
  • [[Leyline of Abundance]]

Will they break current Pioneer? The rest can’t be unbanned.

  • Evu@mtgzone.com
    2 years ago

    I don’t play any formats where it’s legal, but from videos I’ve watched, The One Ring seems to run away with games and I think an eventual ban is inevitable. As you say, though, it won’t happen now because the set is too new and they have too much money they still need to make off it.

    When you think about it – what could be more flavorful than The One Ring being so powerful that it has to be banned? Arguably a great success by the design team.