I ran across that magazine recently and every post is transphobic af. Does that fit within’s code of conduct?
I ran across that magazine recently and every post is transphobic af. Does that fit within’s code of conduct?
A group of patrons sitting at a table in a bar, quietly discussing their TERF perspective, is entirely different from one of them walking up to a trans table and picking a fight. The former is an exercise of free speech, whereas the latter is cause for ejection.
No. You don’t have the right to debate other people’s right to exist. Such speech is an act of violence and should be treated as such.
I don’t want a group of people sitting around “discussing” whether or not black people are inherently inferior either. That is not speech we should accept in the public sphere
Have you never heard “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me”? It’s preschool 101. Speech is never an act of violence.
Additionally, nobody is debating anyone’s right to exist.
Says the person who’s never heard their own right to exist or the rights of their loved ones called into question publicly.
You don’t have the right to “debate” other people’s equal rights.
Except really, nobody’s ever debating anyone’s right to exist. That’s absurd.
Consider this: If a mass murderer was captured and imprisoned, he could claim that the justice system opposes his right to exist. The trouble with that is he’d be completely incorrect. The justice system opposes his behavior of murder. No matter how much he believes his very existence is inextricably bound to his behavior of murder, the reality is he murders by choice, and it is that intentional action which the justice system opposes.
Did you just compare trans people living their lives without hurting anyone to murder?
Sure, and I could have chosen any other action, but I chose murder because it’s not contentious to express a disapproval of it.
Did it ever occur to you that it’s “contentious” to express “disapproval” of trans people existing because…there’s nothing WRONG with trans people existing?
Hmm, sounds like you missed my entire point. Nobody objects to any people existing. Some people object to particular behaviors.
“Speech is never an act of violence” mfs when I use a public platform to smear them as child molesters, while simultaneously encouraging acts of vigilantism against “paedos”: 😯
They’re not discussing quietly, everyone can hear them, and they want to be heard.
I only know about them because I subscribe to m/kbinMeta. If you stick to your subscribed magazines, as I do, you only hear those to whom you intentionally listen.
Except it’s more like a group of patrons at a bar talking about killing a trans person, and than the next day one of them actually does it.
What kind of absurd hyperbole is that? Nobody has called for murder. And certainly nobody has committed a murder based on a call for it.
Speech has real life consequences.
“Known transgender killings increased 93% in that four-year period – from 29 in 2017 to 56 in 2021”
“Transgender people over four times more likely than cisgender people to be victims of violent crime”
He knows. That’s why he’s desperately trying to hold on to his little platform.
Pick almost any mass shooter at random and look at their online history and you’ll find the same story over and over again; “progressively radicalised by social media”.
They’re absolutely aware these domestic terrorists come from their midst. Find a far-right enough chat room and they openly celebrate it.
I don’t condone murder under any circumstances. But using 56 murders as an excuse to silence anyone online is a disgrace to the principle of free speech.
The principle of free speech, in America, has nothing to do with forcing people to tolerate hateful rhetoric.
As long as the government isn’t arresting you for your opinions then nothing going on here has to do with “free speech”. Individuals and corporations silencing you online is not a “disgrace to the principle of free speech”.
You’re conflating the principle of free speech with the US 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment is predicated on the principle of free speech. The 1st Amendment is completely inapplicable here. The principle of free speech is 100% applicable here, as it is foundational to western civilization.
You’re talking about a “free speech” that only exists in /r/conservative echo chambers. You are free to say what you want but you are not free from the consequences. We do not have to listen. And it’s not a “disgrace” that nobody cares to hear what you have to say.
Up until a few years ago, it was widely held by people of all political persuasions to be one of the foundations of western civilization. As the far left has moved progressively further leftward, they abandoned it. The only reason you think of it as conservative is because it’s old-fashioned.