As a sports fan, I recently setup a python script to pull a weeks worth of games (past/previous), and send me the schedule every 3 days via a cronjob with ntfy. I also set it up to let me know when it’s GameDay for a few of my teams from different sports and when they are starting.
What do you use it for?
For me top use is integrating with uptime kuma to keep track of all local services
Surprised that no one mentioned the matrix. I’m self hosting federated server.
I use pushover, never heard of ntfy.
Yes! Please share the script! Thanks!
I recently set up a python script that reminds me of people’s birthdays that it reads from a text file. I also get notifications daily at midnight when my docker config is backed up using rsync. I also have a python script that creates an excel file of my qbittorrent metrics daily so i get notification for that also at midnight.
Can you share your command for the rsync notification? I’ve done a simple one when the script is done but I’m trying to figure out how to show whether it was a success or had issues. Just knowing cron ran the job is a first step.
I use gotify for various services - it tells me when new stuff is added to jellyfin, it sends me notifications when uptime kuma detects something is down, if grafana monitoring thresholds are reached, after watchtower updates my docker containers, some homeassistant actions, info that some scripts finished and so on… It has a lots of uses.
Gotify here too. Watchtower notifs work very well. Couldn’t get Jellyfin ones to work though. And coming back to ntfy… I’ve tried it a few times but couldn’t grasp the concept, so I’ll come back to it again when I have a few days off.
I tried ntfy but really can’t find why I should use it. I’ve been using Pushover for years and it really does anything I want. Am I missing something?
If Pushover has issues, how do get your messages? You rely entirely on a thirdparty service in the cloud.
You do know that this is /r/selfhosted right?
I do use Pushover myself and its great and cheap, but its absolutely not comparable to ntfy or Gotify being selfhosted.
Also with local selfhosting you can still get messages when your internet is down.
True, but the actual push notifications still go through cloud with iOS. So I am missing the point for iOS.
selfhosted :)
ntfy is cross platform and i can share alert with all family members without compatibility problem.
I use for alert me end of linux script ou longest command.
I use for alerting me when my supervision detect DOWN …
It’s a great tool
But i don’t self hosted the server side because ntfy work perfect at this time
Mostly to tell me when my well pump or pressure pump starts / stops, but also events from BlueIris (video) when it recognizes things on camera (its my cheap motion detector lol). I also get notices when maintenance starts / stops on my websites, daily visitor stats and some other metrics I like to keep tabs on. On that note also a ton of notifications from my various web services are sent over NTFY.
I tried ntfy, got it to work once, but never worked again.
Will try again
I like telegram bots more. They are less battery consuming on my phone and they sends notification to my desktop PC too (telegram web interface)
I built a discord bot for it. This way I can get DMed right through discord if I send a message.
For those looking who are interested in my Github repo for this code:
Synology alerts that include containers and security alerts. Scrutiny S.M.A.R.T alerts. ARR stack alerts. Alerts from uptime kuma.