Literally have no idea what I think about them other than that it seems like a hopeless exercise. Its kinda worrying, like the meds can make you hyperfocus on things and make you paranoid but who knows, they could be right?
Altho it is a great bandwagon for the name brand dominating med companies to jump on, very easy to turn people away from generic meds that must have some baseline of quality assurance and clinical efficacy?
Uggh, just don’t know. Wish everyone could take the brand name cheaply like its easily possible to in many places outside the US. Dex cost me like 1.50 a pill before insurance and like less than 30 after total. Its almost 1500 in the states. Insane
I’m not in the US and not on adderall (I’m on ritalin LA), but friends in multiple European countries also have issues with supply of adhd meds. I’ve been mostly managing okay in France, but for a few months there I was getting Swedish bottles of ritalin, and the pharmacists gave me a little print out of the medication leaflet translated from Swedish into French.
I think that campaigning and investigating the shortages and what is being done is a pretty good cause. Is your issue that by focussing on name brand adderall they’re making generics look bad? (I hadn’t heard of the reddit community before)
My personal experience is that the quality of generics can be pretty problematic. Lots of the big generic companies are based in India, and are not subject to the same checks and monitoring that the FDA would do for a US based manufacturer. This means that there’s the chance that your generic drugs won’t actually be as effective, not because the namebrand molocule is somehow better, but just that the quality control is more reliable. On the other hand, I’ve found Xaggitin (a generic copy of Concerta produced in the UK) to be much more effective for me that namebrand Concerta.
There was a book out recently that was a whistleblower’s account of the issue. “Bottle Of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom” By Katherine Eban, if your interested (you can find some reviews of the book that cover the important parts).
People should just start sharing and making their own IMO. Open source that shit because the gov has failed. I’m surprised more Luigis are not happening yet. No one can stop a motivated lone wolf attack
Making their own ADHD meds? (If my understanding of your comment is right)
Cause I mean it’s not hard but incredibly illegal, as Adderall is just amphetamine salts in a slightly different ratio than what you’d get by synthesizing it yourself.
It’s not exactly closed source
Now, vyvanse would be quite a bit harder to clandestinely produce but not impossible, just as illegal though.
Yeah I’m not sure we’re at the point where we recommend people start making meth.
And I’m saying that as someone who abuses ECA stacks when I can’t get a script filled.
My neighbor spent around 3 hours calling around to track down a source today. The wasted time and money that represents is the only crime I see. Don’t go talking about it or selling it, but whatever a person does in their kitchen for their own needs is none of my business. The wasted time is theft and therefore criminal actions against common people with no recourse. There are likely millions of victims of this crime.
That is insane. I can’t believe it. My pharmacy has to freaking keep on top of me cuz i never have any idea when refills are or calling them in time before they call me and throwing drugs at me haha.
Its all symptomatic of gross mismanagement, their drug control apparatus is nuts, k,
- police should not be controlling a nation’s drug supply and manufacture and scheduling it, that is for the legislature and medical governing bodies.
- insurance companies should not have any say where you “can” fill a prescription
- there’s zero reason a country as wealthy and pharma-dominated as Us should ever have active ingredient shortages or whatever the fuck they blame it on now that magically affects the generics less than brand name
- should be able to mail order or have delivery. All of that is superior to whatever it is that is the reality. What a waste of everyones time and resources to have these medication shortages and monthly stampede/pilgrimmages
i wonder how one could DIY the retard/extended-release mechanism 🤔
Never heard of them.
What are they about?
This is a community for people prescribed stimulants who’ve been negatively impacted by the “Adderall Shortage” and want to do something about it. The number of people who’ve had their lives derailed by this ongoing, seemingly unnecessary shortage is astounding. Besides difficulties filling scripts, many have experienced a significant/complete reduction in their medication’s efficacy. Together we can seek answers, collect evidence and work towards holding those institutions involved accountable
The first half is reasonable, the 2nd bit is paranoid.
People take drug, drug does thing, body/brain react and over time produce long term tolerance so honeymoon period with med ends.
Surprised Pikachu face
You see it in other drug using communities; it’s really common to see people say that the modern drug is nothing like what they took years prior, whilst ignoring their own neural pathways will have changed in that time.
Personally I’ve found NAC helps, where it didn’t before when my meds still add their “magic”