Beanie Babies -> Blockchain -> AI -> Quantum Computing.
I was about to make the joke that the next one in the chain would be a “bubble bubble”. There have been bubbles around tulip bulbs, fiber optics, milk bottle caps, “.com”. The joke was going to be something about how the next bubble would be a “meta bubble” - a bubble fed by hype over how “great” whatever the next bubble is going to be. But just as I was about to make the joke, I realized it wasn’t actually implausible. That could literally be the nature of the next bubble.
In a way every bubble economy is already a meta-bubble in that they don’t just aim to generate hype about tulips, but also to generate hype about hype about tulips.
And like @YourNetworkIsHaunted pointed out, it’s a pretty good description of private equity in general. More abstractly, every stock market crash is a consequence of some first-order bubble winning the meta-bubble race.
I mean isn’t that A16z (Marc the mark and the funky accounting bunch?) whole business strategy? Eventually they gotta just cut out the middleman, right?