I’d rather spend 30-45 min watching a guy my age working in their homelab with enterprise equipment from the early 2000s than watch most modern movies
I just like fresh content. Stuff that is perhaps a little more rough around the edges but more authentic.
So many great creators deserve my attention before most of the garbage coming out of Hollywood these days.
That’s exactly how I articulated my thoughts to a friend the other day. Authenticity is paramount to my jaded brain. Besides, I’ve already seen the best TV series of all time in Breaking Bad, so why watch any more studio productions after that?
Old MST3K episodes don’t count 🙃
Its cheaper and doesn’t follow the same tired formulas.
I personally figured this out when I pissed my girlfriend off by correctly guessing the entire plot to last christmas 2019.
Exactly. Novody is making the fifth crappy remake of that cool podcast you follow / etc
I mean it’s often just 20 second snippets or game reviews or asinine nerd-political gaming commentary? A ton of it is very formulaic.
Do you watch scripted TV?
I consume both and internet content is, in my opinion, MORE formulaic than scripted shows and movies.
One of my favorite things to watch is some random person on YouTube going about their day, making breakfast, doing chores, petting their dog, etc.
I prefer podcasts over all other media
I also enjoy video games.
I don’t think that feature-length films make sense in this environment. They’re long, formulaic, and somewhat predictable because of that
They’re long, formulaic, and somewhat predictable because of that
Watch better movies lol
The length of movies isn’t what’s wrong with most films, bad writing is. And there’s tons of movies with great writing out there. They didn’t just stop making good movies when Disney started dominating - you’ve just become less exposed to them
I can get braindead slop for free on Youtube and Co. I don’t need Hollywood for it. If they would challenge us instead of producing the same movie over and over again, I might get back into movies. Almost all mainstream movies are utter garbage.
It’s more fun to watch a Streamer play a video game than boring through the newest low tier Hollywood film