When I was a kid, I don’t think I kept watching Rugrats for very much longer after they added Dil.
Parks and Rec. They spend like a whole season trying to convince you that April hated Andy forever and it just didn’t need to go on that long. They are way funnier as a couple for the rest of the show and they could have just gotten there in an episode two instead of wasting a whole season with her dating that Spanish guy that Andy ends up playing music with anyway.
Even on rewatches those scenes just feel forced and stupid. Still love the show though.
There’s a good Korean show called Alchemy of Souls that’s 2 seasons long.
I quite liked S1 but they recasted the main actress for S2 and made a lot of other weird creative choices that made me drop it after a few eps. I don’t think it “ruined” the show, just made it something entirely different.
Rory (Lucifer’s daughter) from the future on the TV show Lucifer. The time travel plot line felt pretty forced.
Neelix made me eventually quit watching Star Trek Voyager. Too much cringe.
They realised and made him Tuvix for a bit.
Connor on Angel. His arc was pretty damn painful to sit though, and lasted nearly two seasons.
Almost quit when Dawn was introduced into Buffy
I’m going to disagree with Dawn. I feel like she was the one addition that really worked: the ballsy gaslighting that turned out to be a retcon and her being central to the plot actually sold her for me.
Plus I grew up on Pete and Pete so I was already a Michelle Trachtenberg fan.
I should have clarified that in the end I think adding Dawn as a character was great for Buffy, but initially, I hated the idea.
I’m not going to say “Ruined”, but Farscape was significantly degraded by the introduction of Grazer.
Scorpius is one of the greatest antagonists ever written for a TV show. I don’t think what they chose to do with him was a terrible idea, it’s good to shake things up. But as a replacement as the primary antagonist, Grazer absolutely sucks. The fact that they literally gave her mind control sex pheromones that she spreads from her boobs genuinely sounds like the sort of thing that belongs in a bad porn parody. Like, that is “Horny fourteen year old” levels of bad writing.
Thankfully the one season she’s a big deal for is still perfectly enjoyable, and the show sticks the landing pretty decently with Peacekeeper Wars, so don’t let this deter anyone from giving it a look. Like all nineties and noughties TV, it’s got a lot of ups and downs, but all in all its a really fun show.
The Walking Dead. There was a season premiere where Negan became more prominent and just kills off a main character and there was no point to it. That’s when I shut it off mid episode and never watched it again.
Well opinions on Negan aside, they were completely following the comics for one of those deaths.
Scrappy Doo
That yappy little fucker ruined things.
Near from death note. Man what a fucking downgrade.
X-Files is kinda shit after Mulder is replaced by Dogget.
I think Doggett was in a handful of good Monster-of-The-Week episodes, but at that point the the series had gotten way too dumb that Mulder couldn’t have really made it much better. I think the series was way too in love with its own mythology, which was, frankly, pretty mediocre. The mytharc had become so diluted and silly that I just can’t watch most of those episodes anymore, even before it got bad
Dogget at least has some character development, doesn’t hold a candle to Mulder though and definitely not saying he’s a good character, but what really got me was the Agent NoPersonality, Monica Reyes. (I had to look up her name) She doesn’t do anything, she doesn’t have any kind of development, she doesn’t add anything and she’s just so boring and cookiecutter. No chemistry with Dogget either. I had actually forgotten she exists until I rewatched the entire series recently.
The only good scene with her was Scully teaching her to run in heels.
X-Files was kinda shit LONG before Dogget comes into the picture.
I have been a huge X-Files fan since the show was first released and I still have not seen the last few Dogget episodes because I just can’t.
When it actually happened, I stopped watching it. Never seen bothered with an ep after that.
I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I can see every flaw people are saying as well. It’s kind of my guilty pleasure.
2 1/2 Men: Multiple stages really.
Jake getting older and the addition of his friend.
Alan turned from a down on his luck guy to blundering comic relief. It has its funny moments, but there is a lot of cringe to be had in that change.
Replacement of Charlie with Ashton. I know the crazy behind it. That said, he makes it completely unwatchable. He doesn’t carry nearly the same energy that Sheen does. The same dynamic doesn’t exist between him and Alan, character wise.
They dialed Alan’s blundering to 1000% after Charlie left.
Pointless baby/pregnancy every time!
At least Brooklyn 99 saved it for near the end, thank god.
this, Dexter season 3 in a nutshell
Even worse in Bones. Devoutly childfree woman becomes pregnant and then goes completely baby crazy. How insulting.
Well… the executive producer wanted changes in the show. Particularly when she was actual pregnant and didn’t want to hide it on set or screen. Gotta say though, I respected her for having typically body changes of a women going through pregnancies and not trying to blur it all out.
Did they at least point out that she had two sets of skeletons inside her? If not, missed opportunity for Bones
That’s when I stopped watching the Office.
Not the addition of a character but a complete rewrite of a character on Police Cops. Max Power was such a dashing cool cop for the pilot but soon after they rewrote him to be a fat bumbling oaf…
Wasn’t the cool cop named Homer Simpson in the pilot, who then became an idiot laughing stock, causing people also named Homer Simpson to change their name to Max Power, after a hairdryer?
And that’s the end of that case.
uh-oh, spaghetti-o’s
Also wasn’t he originally written as being independently wealthy? I think that aspect was also lost in the character transition.
Yup, from rich ladies man to slob, and he didn’t even have the excuse of having kids! He had three money no kids!
Upvoted for the much appreciated Simpsons reference