• @jet@hackertalks.com
    618 months ago

    This reads like straight propaganda, its absolutely true Hamas as stockpiles.

    Know who else has stock piles of food and water? Isreal, and the UNRWA… hell the UN stockpile is sitting in trucks ready to get to the civilians.

    What is the military utility of cutting food and water, then saying … ohh look at the besieged city, look at how evil the people in the city are not sharing food and water amongst themselves. Know who else isn’t sharing Food and Water inside of Israel ? The IDF!

      • Jamie
        348 months ago

        No, it’d be like if we blockaded and bombed Mexico, then complained that their military isn’t giving out food to the general population.

        • R0cket_M00se
          238 months ago

          I mean the group that supposedly is fighting for these people isn’t sharing their supplies to help the people that they supposedly care about?

          Just like how they coincidentally put their HQ under a hospital? And use human shields?

          Hamas cares about Palestinians as much as Israel does. None.

          • @guacupado@lemmy.world
            28 months ago

            It’s wild how many people are trying to make Hamas out to be the good guys. These people probably felt bad for ISIS.

        • @Cleverdawny@lemm.ee
          08 months ago

          I’m sure if Mexico declared war on us, conducted an invasion into Texas and killed over a thousand American civilians, we WOULD blockade and bomb them.

      • @jet@hackertalks.com
        158 months ago

        The IDF is 100% in control of Gaza, everything that goes in or our is under IDF control. That is why people have called Gaza an open air Prison.

          • @mlg@lemmy.world
            08 months ago

            Doesn’t care lol. They only opened the border for aid because the USA gave them a guarantee that Israel will allow it and they wouldn’t have to actually use their own military to defend their own border from the IDF.

              • @jet@hackertalks.com
                08 months ago


                Egypt has treaties in place, and is following those treaties.

                Egypt doesn’t support Hamas, at all. Doesn’t want religious political parties in Egypt.

                Israel doesn’t want aid coming into gaza. But appears happy for Gazans to leave Gaza empty.

                Egypt doesn’t want to absorb all the Gazan people into Egypt. But is happy to let aid cross into Gaza.

                If the border was truly independent we would see all the aid trucks crossing, but Israel does control it via remote monitoring, bombing, and treaties. Israel has the superior military, so Egypt doesn’t want to defy treaties.

                • @barsoap@lemm.ee
                  38 months ago

                  Egypt doesn’t support Hamas, at all. Doesn’t want religious political parties in Egypt.

                  Even more strongly, the Muslim Brotherhood is like enemy of the state #1 in Egypt, and Hamas is a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot.

                  Sisi isn’t as hell-bent secular as Nasser, licensing and constructing plenty of churches and mosques and preaching religious tolerance, Al Nour isn’t outlawed (probably because irrelevant, anyway), but they’re cracking down hard on the Muslim Brotherhood.

      • @sfgifz@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        Practically surrounded the castle outside the moat and put the trebuchets to work though.

      • المنطقة عكف عفريت
        -48 months ago

        The IDF may like to think that but the truth is Israel has huge control over water, fuel, and electricity entering. This is why they now managed to turn it off… If Israel didn’t have direct control on the food and water these people need, we wouldn’t have this goddamn problem.

        Also now that Israel has entered, what do you want Hamas to do? I don’t support them, but from a practical perspective, should Hamas give away the little fuel it has thtt may enable it to fight the IDF as they invade the strip? Seems to me like they are now the only people protecting civilians there (not super successfully), but still…

        And from the Egyptian side news is saying that Israel is the #1 cause of delay on the checkpoint on purpose. Israel has full control over Gaza whether or not they like to admit it.

    • @AttackPanda@programming.dev
      38 months ago

      Will these terrible conditions drive the Palestinians to force their government to release the hostages? I think that is the question that so many people are wondering. I don’t know enough about the crisis to speculate on an answer so I pose the question, what does anyone think it will take for them to release the hostages?

      • @jet@hackertalks.com
        78 months ago

        killing uninvolved civilians wont force anyone to release hostages, it is Hamas plan to get more civilians killed which bolsters their mission, recruitment, and global recognition.

    • @SCB@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      the UNRWA

      Separating the UNRWA from Hamas is pedantic and meaningless at this point. They have been totally co-opted by Hamas.

      What is the military utility of cutting food and water

      They cut off their own aid. No country provides aid to the state they are actively at war with. Dozens of aid trucks are indeed entering Gaza from other countries.

      • @jet@hackertalks.com
        8 months ago

        Hamas controls the UN? That is a strong position

        But sure, lets go with it, Then Hamas has food, water, medicine ready for the civilians in Gaza, waiting in trucks sitting in Egypt waiting to cross. Which is what Israel wants them to do, right? Supply their own citizens…

        • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
          38 months ago

          Hamas has food, water, medicine ready for the civilians in Gaza, waiting in trucks sitting in Egypt

          The food, water and resources are in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza, not in Egypt.

          • @jet@hackertalks.com
            108 months ago

            The person I was responding to said the UNRWA was controlled by Hamas, which would make the UNRWA supply convoys stuck in Egypt part of Hamas as well, meaning that Hamas is trying to supply the civilians…

            Its ludicrous, so I was demonstrating to the grandparent poster why their position was incorrect by taking it at face value and going to its logical conclusion

        • @SCB@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Hamas is not the Arab League. The Arab League does have outsized influence in the UN. The Arab League doesn’t so much care about Hamas (or Palestinians) as they do shitting on Israel.

          Then Hamas has food, water, medicine ready for the civilians in Gaza

          Israel arranged that. Those countries didn’t want to provide aid because they don’t actually like Hamas, because Hamas-alllied terrorists struck in their countries (and others). This is why they don’t accept Palestinian refugees.

          Hamas does appropriate those goods whenever it can, though.

    • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
      -128 months ago

      So, regardless of what happens and what everyone is doing or not doing, it’s always Israel’s fault?

      • Jamie
        238 months ago

        When you blockade supplies and infrastructure from an entire region of people, most of whom have done nothing wrong, then yes, food shortages are your fault.

            • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
              8 months ago

              Assuming that it’s an honest question and not just bait - at this point I would say indoctrination.

              Hamas is in power in Gaza for more than 20 years.

              That means that every person in Gaza under the age of 25 went to schools run by Hamas, only read books that were written or approved by Hamas, only saw television shows and movies that were made or approved by Hamas etc.

              Since more than 50% of the people in Gaza are under 25, and from those that are over 25 about 50% voted for Hamas, I reckon that the current situation is that most people there only know Hamas and its ideology.

              • @nomecks@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                It was bait. The best organized groups in oppressed areas are extremists. We saw that when Hosni Mubarak got tossed in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood was instantly elected, because they were the most organized. Same goes for Hamas. Who was a serious oppoment to the only group capable of getting anthing actually done in Gaza? Israeli intelligence must have known they were going to get elected.

                How many elections have happened since?

                • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
                  68 months ago

                  Are you saying that the Egyptians are oppressed?

                  Also Hamas won the elections by a small margin, just a few percentages more than the PLO at the time. It’s not like everyone in Gaza rallied behind them (at least then).

                  The reason that there were no elections after that is that once they won, they Putin’ed the opposition and threw all the PLO party members from the building rooftop.

          • @jet@hackertalks.com
            8 months ago

            Getting kind of lazy with your talking points, you are just copying and pasting the same response to different people.

      • @jet@hackertalks.com
        128 months ago

        The food, water, energy, and medical embargo of the Gazan people are all publicly acknowledged by the Israel Government. So yes… those things are their fault. They proudly claim responsibility.

          • @jet@hackertalks.com
            98 months ago

            While it is true Hamas is the governing body of Gaza, its irrelevant. Israel controls all inputs and outputs of Gaza, nothing gets in or out without IDF permission.

            Gaza can’t accept humanitarian aid from the UN, the IDF is preventing it.

            Gaza can’t trade with other countries for food, the IDF is preventing it.

            Gaza can’t released civilians to leave the war zone…

            If your running a embargoed prison camp, and you don’t let anyone leave, and you don’t let any food or water in… that makes you responsible. If you release press statements proudly stating your cutting off all food water energy and medicine from the prison camp, it simply removes all doubt.

            • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
              8 months ago

              Not entirely accurate - the IDF has already allowed more than 70 trucks of humanitarian aid to go through, but this article is saying something else - it says that there is enough food, water, medical supply and resources inside the prison camp.

              It’s just that its leaders refuse to share it.

              • @jet@hackertalks.com
                68 months ago

                The daily needs of the Gazan people are 500 trucks, and that was before the war started, if anything those needs are larger now.

                So yes, 70 trucks have been allowed through in 3 weeks? of the war.

                70/10,500 < 1% of need

                It’s insufficient, and the the starving, people are still starving.

                • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
                  -38 months ago

                  I’m not sure where the 500 trucks number comes from, but so far there are no reports about people in Gaza dying from dehydration or starvation.

                  I’m not disagreeing that it’s tragic and that there are many innocent people, from both sides, that are getting caught in the crossfire. I do think that it’s important to reflect the reality, that the situation there is more complex than “Israel bad Palestinian good”

      • @RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip
        108 months ago

        You’re going to have people that will never see any merit to the other sides position no matter what. You want to know the flat objective truth? Both parties here fucking suck. Both parties are committing war crimes and atrocities. Every retaliation by either side is vehemently defended as justified because of a prior retaliation which was in turn defended because of the retaliation before it. Over and over again.

        Global politics being what it is only ensures that no matter what we are going to ride this roller coaster into oblivion and a lot of people are going to have to die for no justifiable reason. Each side is pushing hard to justify their actions and to be presented as the victim. Both sides have decades of experience working the PR front. In 15 years we will be discussing the latest violence in the region.

        Pessimistic perhaps, but I’d just say it’s realistic.

                • @jet@hackertalks.com
                  08 months ago


                  It’s… complicated. There is a back and forth through out history.

                  I’d say the British are the most responsible for the current situation, but it really doesn’t matter. People need to just be able to live, and nobody should have the right to claim land for a religion to the exclusion of anyone else.

                  This land is for religion X and nobody else… these people are wrong, and only create violence. (yes, that includes most of our current participants in today’s war).

                • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
                  -28 months ago

                  That really depends on how far back in history you want to go. We can even start with Muhammad and the Jewish tribes massacres (Banu Qurayza for example).

                  But honestly, I don’t think that that’s a productive approach. This is a live, dynamic and constantly changing conflict. The things that defined it 100 or even 50 years ago are no longer relevant.

          • ShroOmeric
            28 months ago

            I remember it started when Israel begun its slow genocide.

      • المنطقة عكف عفريت
        8 months ago

        No, just the times they have broken international law.

        Edit: Oh no poor Israel being constantly accused of breaking international law after constantly breaking it ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

      • Norgur
        258 months ago

        Yes, but the civilians starved before the army did. That’s what we’re seeing here.

    • @jet@hackertalks.com
      8 months ago

      From the total war doctrine, it does hurt Hamas, putting pressure on the civil government will hurt the ability to conduct war.

      Their used to be a theory that you could break the fighting spirit of a people with embargos and bombings, but it fell out of favor in wwii.


      • @mathemachristian@lemm.ee
        88 months ago

        *after wwii. Goebbels most famous words are “Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?” from his speech at the Berliner Sportpalast in 1943. But even after wwii the US bombing campaigns and massacres in Korea and Vietnam still stem from a total war doctrine. It never really went away.

        • @jet@hackertalks.com
          38 months ago

          When all you have is a hammer… I’m not sure it ever worked to break the fighting spirit.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    98 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine, the officials said.

    The Arab and Western officials who described Hamas’s supply situation all spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were disclosing information gleaned from human sources, communications intercepts and other streams of intelligence.

    While the blockade has left Gaza’s roughly 2 million people scraping by with what little food and water they scrounge up, it does not yet appear to have begun to degrade Hamas’s ability to fight.

    Israel has so far refused to allow any fuel to be delivered to Gaza, even as other aid begins to trickle in, leaving much of the enclave without electricity to power hospitals, desalinate or pump water, fire bakers’ ovens and run internet and cellphone services.

    The United Nations, which handles the bulk of humanitarian relief work in Gaza, said on Thursday that it “has almost exhausted its fuel reserves and begun to significantly reduce its operations.”

    Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, a freed hostage, said that while in captivity she ate the same single meal that Hamas fighters eat every day: pita bread with two kinds of cheese and cucumber.

    The original article contains 885 words, the summary contains 208 words. Saved 76%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @mlg@lemmy.world
    -38 months ago

    You know I somehow doubt this considering hamas didn’t mount a permanent offensive of any kind

    They literally raided for less than a day and than ran back with hostages. No way they’re just sitting on stockpiles of fuel and resources if it couldn’t be immediately used, and they were aware that everything was going to get intensely bombed anyway.

    Yeah they probably do have stockpiles, but nothing substantial.

    Even the article mentions the released hostage who saw them eating the same one meal a day of bread and cheese.

    • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
      28 months ago

      They literally raided for less than a day and than ran back with hostages

      That’s incorrect - the Israelis continued to capture and kill them inside Israel even a week after the attack. Some of the terrorists came with provisions that were meant to last for a long time, until the area calmed down, and then to launch a second attack from the inside.

      Hamas released videos from the tunnels showing stockpiles of weaponry and supplies. The hostages also testified that they showered every other day, while the rest of Gaza is essentially cut from water supply. Those water had to come from somewhere.

    • @mathemachristian@lemm.ee
      78 months ago

      40% of the people in Gaza are underage. 50% under 20. The IDF is starving and bombing literal children. For days on end. And not since the Al-Aqsa flood either. Way before that.

      The muslims get what they accept

      Well too bad for you they dont accept the Nakba

    • Norgur
      8 months ago

      Is it just me or does the well-studied victim-play here actually weaken the arguments presented instead of strengthening them?

      I know I shouldn’t argue with… how do I put this… devoted people like that, but I can’t resist…

      They think the worlds opinion, who looked the other way while 6 million Jews were chewed up and turned to ash by the Nazi Reich, is going to matter a single fucking bit.

      “looked the other way”, eh? That’s impressive. Because for people who looked the other way, their accuracy was pretty good while they reduced the whole of Germany to ruins in order to stop the Nazi monsters who did this.

      I wouldn’t even have answered had you not brought up the Nazis (as patriotic people from Israel tend to do). The immeasurable crimes inflicted onto the world by the Nazis is not empowering Israel to lash out like it does. On the contrary. Among the Israeli I know are quite a few that continuously bring up the Shoa with me (I’m German) and now use it to vaguely make up excuses for what happens to the inhabtiants of the Gaza strip.

      But shouldn’t you of all people, you who are so keen on “keeping the memory alive” rise up immediately when you see how Ghettos in Warsaw and the Gaza strip share all too many similarities?

      Shouldn’t you of all people know the pain of being prosecuted and down-trodden just because someone decided out of the blue that you belong to the enemy now?

      Shouldn’t you of all people know the suffering, the hunger, the never ending pain of going without food and water?

      Hamas needs to be stopped. Hamas needs to be prosecuted. With all the might you have. Yet, declaring all people in that region to be active Hamas criminals (like you did) is in itself criminal. This habit of dehumanizing whole poplulations out of a victim-mentality is one of the most effective rationales in the toolbox of the one evil you should recoil from copying. It’s what Joseph Goebbels was so disgustingly proficient at.

  • @Mrkawfee@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    US and European press coverage on Gaza is totally discredited. They just parrot Israeli talking points. Go to Al Jazeera English if you want to know what’s going on.

    • @shatal@lemmy.worldOP
      78 months ago

      Al Jazeera is a Qatar funded news outlet, and the Qatari government has tight relationship with Hamas. I would take their reports cautiously.

      Reuters and AP are the most unbiased it seems, but it’s always a good practice to follow multiple outlets - both pro and against each side.