• Frostbeard@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    I sort of made the comment in jest, but if the Danish school children are told of amicable cooperation and a split we learn different things.

    Norway, Denmark and Sweden got the same monarch in 1397 under Queen Margaret (Kalmar union) Sweden elected Gustav Vasa in 1523 and left, but Norway including its overseas territories (then including Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Northern Isles of Orkney and Shetland) was in the beginning a seperate kingdom but sort of was annexed as a Danish province over time. Orkney and Shetland was pawned of as dowry and some parts of mainland Norway was ceded to Sweden after the numerous wars with Sweden whenever Denmark-Norway was the loosing side.

    Norway was not an equal part and did not leave peacefully. It was given to Sweden after Denmark was on the loosing side in the Napoleonic wars in 1814 and became a joint Kingdom under King Karl-Johan.

    Norway didn’t gain full independence until 1905 (when we also elected a Danish prince as king, but I think that was mainly because he was married to a English princess. Wikipedia still calls her Maude princess of Wales and not Maude of Norway so don’t know how much of a queen she was. King Haakon was amazing during the Nazi invasion tho’)

    When Norway was lost to the Danish king he still kept all the overseas territories. Norway tries to reclaim Greenland in 1933 but lost in an international court.

    TBF, I think no one in Norway cares about the history now, or care much about the 400 year Danish rule. I think Norway would have lost all those territories on their own a anyway. In 1814 we made constitution after being lost to Sweden and tries to stay with Denmark by electing the Danish crown Prince as king. The Swedish king would have none of that ofc. The thing is that building a new nation between 1814 and 1905 nationalistic sentiments focused on the pre Dane period and dubbed the period the 400 year night. And Norway was treated as a colony, that’s why there is so few institutions and budings from that era. Fredrik the 6 made a lot of slander to cover his pride after loosing Norway as well.

    Edit: What I am mad about is how danish museums, universities and other similar institutions have kept items that are culturally important to Norway.

    • Buffalox@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      OK I’m sorry, but I admit I found it a bit offensive that you claimed we stole those territories.

      Norway was not an equal part and did not leave peacefully.

      That’s true, in reality Norway was a vasal of Denmark, and It’s also true that Denmark was forced to let Norway go, but AFAIK Norway was more than happy to not be united with Denmark. Justified or not, we didn’t steal Iceland, Faroe Islands and Greenland, they were part of the union which Norway left or was forced to leave?

      IDK why we gave you the rich oil areas in the territorial negotiations that became infamous in Denmark for being probably the must stupid agreement we ever made.
      But economically Norway 100% ended out on top with both of these situations.

      We are doing OK, and we can only blame ourselves, but I think you owe us one for the oil. 😋
      Helping Ukraine now with some of the money from it is nice. 👍