True Strike
You extend your hand and point a finger at a target in range. Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target’s defenses.
On your next turn you gain advantage on your first attack roll against the target provided that this spell hasn’t ended.Literally the only way to make the worst spell worse
“That guy 👉 is holding a shield”
Like the fake “Indicate” card from mtcj lore
You pull wisps of shadow material from the Shadowfell to create a nonliving object of vegetable matter within range: soft goods, rope, wood, or something similar. You can also use this spell to create mineral objects such as stone, crystal, or metal.
The object created must be no larger than a 5-foot cube, and the object must be of a form and material that you have seen before.“How far away is the BBEG’s fortress?”
“His lair is still many leagues in the distance. You can just barely see it on the horizon, nestled in the-”
“I spawn a really big boulder on top of it. Like, a reeeally big boulder.”
DM: roll1d20 to determine how large it is, then a second D20 to determine its density
Nat 1, nat20
DM:the boulder you spawned was the size a pebble, but the mass is so great it instantly collapses into a black hole and swallows the planet.
thus, a rock falls, everybody dies.
Former rock
Range is only 30 feet so that won’t work.
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Now you’re thinking with portals
You pull wisps of shadow material from the Shadowfell to create a
nonlivingobject of vegetable matter within range: soft goods, rope, wood, or something similar. You can also use this spell to create mineral objects such as stone, crystal, or metal.Human transmutation, here we go!
hope you brought a shovel and a pick
They just created a boulder the size of Manhattan, I think they could create something to deal with it.
Removing the radius definition from literally any spell
The HP requirement of sleep
Also The HP requirement of power word kill
Put an entire town to sleep? Sure!
Power Word Kill
You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly.
No more 100 hp limit. Instant death for anyone.
If the gods weren’t afraid to set foot on the material plane, they sure are now.
deleted by creator
You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly.
If the creature you chose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies.Otherwise, the spell has no effect.You can only remove whole sentences (if I read OP correctly) so this doesn’t work.
OP said sentence or rule, so I believe this would still work
The final sentence still reads " you utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can choose to die instantly. Otherwise the spell has no effect"
Wich I interpret as: this spell kills something, but does nothing else.
My favorite magic item I ever got was Ring of the Grammarian. Change one letter of a spell…
Me: “Incestation” Dm: “hello, step brother.”
A massive, industrial strength ring of treaded galvanized rubber smothers the target area, and ricochets with lethal effect.
“Bay of Frost”
An unearthly howl that chills the blood of all in range, literally
“Hole Person”
Transform target into the z-axis mirror opposite of their form: a perfect replica of their volume in the surface they were in contact with at the moment of casting.
Time to get busy with
Blade Harrier - bird made of razor sharp blades attacks enemies.
Animate Mead - especially good when someone just drank a bunch.
Crone - create a ghastly old witch who scares your enemies.
Ball Lightning - control a big ball of electricity for level x rounds.
Stoneskim - throw a stone that bounces on water and does level x d10 damage.
Use Tireball to remake the movie Rubber
One of my wizards specialized in wild magic. I routinely used fireball to produce massive explosions of flower petals, and magical fireworks for celebrations.
I tend to push “wild” magic a bit further, frankly, but love the imagery that “magic explosion of flower petals” conjures, including the looks on all in attendance. 🤣
That said, I like to incorporate not only the degree of intent but the channeled volume of Weave into the unexpected result. In essence, being that rendering a magical change in the local reality causes an equal amount of reweaving, as it were, and “wild” casters are therefore little more than interlopers pulling at threads, unintended results of their fiddling should match the volume of contact.
To shift metaphors: turning on a spigot attached to a pipeline of unknown fluid, one inherently expects something to come out, yet the only control one has is the degree of said turn. The contents are unknown, let alone the pressure or volatility, so it could certainly be a trickle or a torrent of mountain spring water, or steaming dragon piss, or a jabbering cloud of punch drunk pixies straight from a fey hen night. With wild magic, you don’t know shit except how far you turned the faucet on. 😱🤩
Yeah, this was third edition, and she specifically took a couple feats so that she had a lot more control over it. It would still backfire occasionally. I did have one wild surge that almost killed her. Wild surged a chain lightning spell, rolled a nat 20 on the surge check, the spell did double damage, and back flashed half the damage at her. She took 78 points of damage, thankfully I had 82 points, and the cleric took one look at me and slapped me with a Heal. Needless to say the 10 bandits that I fired that off at were unable to absorb 164 points of damage each, and they all quit the fight, having died.
Funnily enough because she also had a pseudodragon familiar, which gave her the [Improved Evasion] feat, she was the only spellcaster that ever was capable of hitting her with lightning or fireball.
A yes, good ol’ wild magic: for when you wanna practice dodging lightning & fireballs but don’t have any casters in the crew. 😅🤌🏼
“Beacon of Cope”
Allies in the radius are immune to fear and charm due to an aura of self-deception. Deception and persuasion checks automatically succeed against affected targets if they would cause the target to feel less doubt about their choices.
Tasha’s Hideous Daughter
Well, hello there.
i gave my players a “tome of mis-spells” that, when spells are cast through it, i get to misspell them, i.e. “mage hand” --> “rage band”, this is a similar idea
Remove the risk of losing the ability to cast Wish.
Remove the limitation on what you can do with the second action from Haste.
A lot of spells only have one sentence about resisting or avoiding the effect. Like remove the save from Polymorph on an unwilling target, or remove the ability to discern most illusion spells.
Hold person:
At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throwEssentially “Petrify”, but the target is a living meat statue that slowly starves. 🤢
It has a duration.
You could start reviving unwilling souls (theurgy school).
You could also remove the HP requirement from power word kill to kill any creature instantly.
Disintegrate without having to fail the dex save is also pretty funny.
Light: You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like.
Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light.The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.I just like the idea of giving each wizard a light pill.
You could instead strike out the size limit to make the world glow.
Control Flames
You choose nonmagical flame
that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube.You affect it in one of the following ways:You instantaneously extinguish the flames within the cube
I turn off the sun
Technically the Sun is not on fire.
And dumping the sun’s volume of water on it won’t put it out. If anything all that extra hydrogen will make it “burn” hotter and longer.
This is a month old at this point but I just wanted to point out that if the sun burns hotter/ gets more massive it would burn out faster!
" Create Water" cantrip.
Ignore the limit of 2 gallons per level.
The cleric/druid can now summon oceans worth of water, at will.
Combine with the “Shape Water” cantrip, and your wizard and cleric are now an unstoppable force at level 1. Especially if you ignore the limit of abilities the wizard can manage at a time.
Remove “Saving throw: Will negates” from Charm Person.
Geas is the same but better. Longer duration (indefinite at 9th) and I guess you can make them take 5d10 if you want to but that part’s meh.
I might be mixing editions here.
I thought Geas already had no saving throw (but took ten minutes to cast). Maybe I’m mixing up editions too?
Well it does take 10 minutes I forgot about that but it allows a save.
Remove the rule where Shadow Conjuration requires the spell you mimic to be Conjuration (Summoning) or (Creation). Alternatively, remove the rule that gives this spell a level cap.
Remove the time/duration limit from Modify Memory.
Remove the “summoned monsters can’t summon monsters” rule from your Summon Monster spell of choice.
Remove the “you must have a piece of the subject creature” rule from Ice Assassin.
Remove the “summoned monsters can’t summon monsters” rule from your Summon Monster spell of choice.
Remove the spell slot requirement
Remove the targeting requirements of power word pain . pick a random person. Start each morning by casting power word pain on them, no matter where they are in the world or what theyre doing.
That’s so fucked up and I love it.