Oh so you don’t care about actual americans. Thats all i needed to know. I’m not whining, im doing fine myself. Clearly i didn’t die from Oxy overdose and im happily retired forcused on gardening. I just care about the people who’s lives were ruined, i forgot empathy offends you fucking snowflakes so next time i’ll tone it down. Good luck feeding your welfare dependant family memebers this year!
fucking pathetic whiner.
Oh so you don’t care about actual americans. Thats all i needed to know. I’m not whining, im doing fine myself. Clearly i didn’t die from Oxy overdose and im happily retired forcused on gardening. I just care about the people who’s lives were ruined, i forgot empathy offends you fucking snowflakes so next time i’ll tone it down. Good luck feeding your welfare dependant family memebers this year!