• rottingleaf@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    You don’t know Hamas’ reasons for making their decisions. Maybe this was planned in any case, and Hamas just had one try at unbalancing Israel so that it would take more time and effort to kill Gaza.

    Remember that IRL not all problems have satisfactory solutions. It’s not a video game. Maybe to frighten Israelis one more time was the best they could do anyway.

    All the separate components of what Israelis are doing they have done before, it’s the scale which is different. They’ve gotten used to the thought that Gazan combatants won’t come to their towns and kill them, but their army will come to Gaza and kill Gazans. Maybe this was meant to show that they are wrong, and they are murdering people equal to them, no other intention.

    And even the emotion of that miserable jerk on the video is such, I think he wants to look like some Ottoman pasha. Israelis have no history (no, history of European\Maghreb\whatever Jews is not their history, no, of course history of some ancient kingdoms is not their history, and no, Ottoman history is not theirs too, all a bit further than needed), no culture (same as my previous parentheses, a culture is something alive, not a reference) and no national coherence (look at Israelis on the web), so they are just LARP’ing Ottomans.

    • Kaput@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      I’m sure Hamas had reason they believed were for the greater good, yet they still took actions they knew would lead to this kind of carnage and found the sacrifice acceptable. Gazans did not get much say in the matter. And once the fire started, They did not get any opportunity from israel to find other way out before blowing the ever loving fuck out of everything either. I dont know what I’m was looking for exactly with this question. I really wish people would stop getting killed.