Hamas hides in civilian places. In return, Israel bombs said civilian places, killing everyone but mostly uninvolved innocent folks, most of those are children. And yet when they try to leave, Hamas won’t let them, and Israel bombs the exit anyway.
I feel like these two guys are secretly allied to commit genocide or something.
And yes, I’m waiting for the downvotes to come in. I don’t even care anymore. Just press the button.
I wonder if Hamas would exist if Israel treated the Palestinians well, giving them aid, food, water and the promise of a brighter future… including sovereignty of their borders.
Their origins go back to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, so they would probably exist as an Islamic extremist terrorist organization in some form regardless, but obviously it would be in a completely different context and they probably wouldn’t have anything like the support that they have now.
Hamas might not exist, but unless you can travel back in time, that doesn’t answer the question what to do about Hamas today.
Hamas is a terror organization, they’ve been in power in the Gaza strip for the last 17 years, they terrorize the Palestinian population in Gaza, and they desperately need the conflict to stay alive so they don’t lose relevance.
As things are today, treating the Palestinians well, giving them aid, food, water and the promise of a brighter future is a direct threat to Hamas. That’s absolutely not to say that those things shouldn’t be done - it’s just to say that these things pose a direct threat to Hamas’s position of power in Gaza. That’s why Hamas reroutes international help and keeps it from reaching the Palestinian population, why they stage terrorist attacks against Israel, why they torture and murder “collaborators,” why they place their infrastructure in schools and mosques and hospitals, why they use Palestinians as human shields.
So lacking the option of traveling back in time and preventing the creation of Hamas, what should be done in a world where Hamas exists, has been in power for many years, and has no intention of ever ceasing its terrorism?
Hamas today could be a thing of the past, or as close to irrelevant as possible, if Israel would put in the effort to help Palestinians. Maybe help Palestinians realize that they could have a better chance with Israel than Hamas and that peace is possible.
This would take Israel being the “bigger man” to use a turn of phrase, but every chance they’re presented with just like right now, they instead choose Zionism and indiscriminately murder civilians.
to be fair, Hamas would have been a thing of the Past is Netanyahu wasn’t supporting them through direct money and a bit of targeting non-radical secular groups that stood for an alternative to Hamas.
Yes, Hamas was aided by the guy using them as an excuse to kill civilians
if Israel would put in the effort to help Palestinians
That’s sounds good.
What would that look like?
As a reference: from 2014 to 2020, the UN spent $4.5 billion in Gaza. NGOs have poured in hundreds of millions, have opened schools, have financed hospitals, have distributed aid. USAID has spent billions of dollars, the European Union spent hundreds of millions of Euros just to put in reliable water infrastructure. Just recently, Israel agreed to open the borders to Gaza so a number of Palestinians could work in Israel and live in Gaza.
But Hamas has been intercepting foreign aid, has seized donated supplies, has interfered with aid workers, has used schools and hospitals financed by the UN and NGOs as terrorist headquarters, as weapons caches, as launching sites for missiles, as prisons and torture sites to hold, torture and murder opponents.
It seems that the only solution to the problem is to kill innocent men, women, and children!
Gotta violently kill a family of twenty so we can take out one or two hidden Hamas fighters!
I want to make this very clear, the hatred that Israel is exhibiting to the Palestinians, is exactly the same as the hatred that Hitler exhibited towards their people during WWII. Difference is, everybody is cheering on the Nazis this time.
So you’re assuming that asking for a qualified answer about what should be done to “help the Palestinians” is the equivalent of “cheering on the Nazis?”
See, that’s the problem, though: you’re already presuming that people who don’t simply go along cheering facile, generic solutions like “why don’t the Israelis just help the Palestinians” - as if things were that easy and as if that thought just had never occurred to a single person in the past 70 years of murderous conflict - must be insincere.
So for the record: no, I’m being sincere. Bombing innocent civilians in Gaza is very obviously objectionable, and indiscriminate bombing is a war crime.
At the same time, I can acknowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization which just committed the largest terrorist attack in the history of Israel, committing unspeakable atrocities and murdering hundreds and hundreds of civilians in Israel.
So with that premise established: what would be some realistic ways for Israel to help Palestinians in a way that would make Hamas go away and end that particular threat for Israel. Because that’s the proposition: that the terrorist threat from Hamas could be ended if Israel only helped the Palestinians instead of bombing them, correct?
Not blockade the Gaza strip, for one. Israel killed Gaza’s economy in 2006, keeps limiting the imports of basic goods and what we’re seeing is the result. Hamas stopped rocket attacks for over a year (late 2012 to early 2014) when promised the lifting of the blockade as part of a ceasefire.
Gaza people are, by Israel’s own admission, allowed fewer calories than they need to not starve to death.
Egypt and Israel are blockading the Gaza strip because it’s under the control of a terrorist organization.
If the question is “how could Israel help the Palestinians in a way that would make the threat if Hamas disappear,” how are you envisioning that this would happen if Israel ended the blockade?
Well, the cause of the current state of rocket attacks is the blockade so there’s that. Like I said before, Hamas stopped rocket attacks, and tried to police other groups doing the same, for over a year in compliance with the 2012 ceasefire. They stopped because Israel only slightly loosened the blockade, and didn’t lift it as they’d originally promised. So that’s how this would happen if Israel ended the blockade; Israel needs to sign another ceasefire and actually follow it.
And the cause for the blockade before 2012 was that Hamas seized power in the Gaza strip, murdered its political opponents, and instituted a reign of terror where elections were suspended indefinitely, dissent was impossible, and Palestinian “collaborators” were abducted, tortured, and murdered.
And the reason for the end of the ceasefire in 2014 was that Hamas abducted the teenagers, followed by Israel imprisoning 350 Palestinian militants, followed by Hamas launching rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza.
That’s the problem, isn’t it - whatever any side does in this conflict, it’s easy to find justification for it if you only go back fast enough in history. There are more than 2000 years of history there, full of conflict between the various ethnic groups. If anyone wants to find justification for current atrocities, it’s always easy to point to atrocities previously committed by the other side.
That said: do you really believe that Hamas wild simply cease its terrorism, its atrocities, its rocket attacks, kidnappings, torture, murder and simply decide to live in peace with Israel if the blockade were to be lifted tomorrow?
Ant this is the thing no one is saying. Yes what they did was bad but I can understand why they exist. Freedom fighters or terrorist just depends on your point of view.
Palestinians who are Israeli citizens (20% of the population) seem to be doing quite well and are not murdering their neighbors or advocating genocide.
Shhhh, this is an inconvenient reality that the “anti-Israel folks no matter what happens” folks conveniently refuse to learn about. Granted the Christian Arab Israelis are way more chill about not murdering people or advocating genocide, but outside of college age Muslim brotherhood males, Arab Israelis are pretty fucking chill.
I wouldn’t want to be those Palestinians living in Israel, for three days after the whole Hamas incursion happened they were getting shot openly in the street by radical Israelis, but that got about as much news coverage as the fact that Netanyahu actually aided Hamas for a long time in order to undermine the PAs ability to negotiate a two-state solution.
Remember the Palestinian diaspora? Half of the people in Gaza and the West Bank are descendants of people who fled/were expelled from Israel in 1948-1949. You can look up Benny Morris’s four stage analysis for more details. Israel couldn’t get a Jewish majority in Palestine, so they went for ethnic cleansing. Arab Israelis are the people they allowed to stay.
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, and religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing
As mentioned above, Israel is not homogeneous. They want to have safety for their people, not ethnically cleanse Palestinian Arabs. 20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs. Wanting to ethnically cleanse is more Hamas’s thing, as they explicitly target Jews.
Arab Israelis are the people they allowed to stay.
Right, because they were peaceful they have been treated differently than constantly hostile belligerents targeting and killing civilians for over 75 years. This conflict is about safety for Israel. Self-defense.
Bro look up the Palestinian diaspora then speak. 700000 people were expelled or terrorized into leaving using massacres and you’re going on and on about Israel’s self-defense. The IDF (or what would become the IDF) actually got orders to keep certain locations Palestinian free, which got about 140 thousand Palestinians expelled.
I am aware of it. You should look up who started that conflict, who made a one state solution not viable, who engaged in secretarian mob violence first, who rejected the UN borders and instead went to war with their neighbors over and over again, losing spectacularly every time. (I’m happy to provide sources for all these claims.)
Hint: It wasn’t the Jews. Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun would eventually commit their own atrocities once the ball got rolling, but let’s not forget who started this and who has the power to end this conflict even today. Reading up on the history of this conflict, it seems to me that the Jews have always wanted safety and security, while Arab Palestinians wanted to scapegoat and violently expel or kill Jews.
Is it any wonder they want distance and safety from the people who have been trying to kill them for around a century now? Yet every attempt results in people vilifying them and accusing them of genocide, because the people trying to drive them into the sea happen to be homogeneous.
Yeah, they’ll still exist I think, whether we like it or not. Regardless of how well Israel treats the Palestinians, Hamas still sees them as colonizers and wants them kicked out completely.
It’s been 75 years since Israel existed as a state, they’re completely accustomed to where they are now, so kicking them out and establishing a “new Jewish state” is simply gonna move the problem to a different location instead of fixing it. History repeats itself.
It reminds me when my mother threw a set of iron keys at my face and I quickly shut the door between us so they hit and ruined the door (instead of my face) and I was scolded for ruining the door.
Normal people just say “why the hell did she toss the keys at you??”
They’re still effective enough to kill, should we give them a pass because their weapons are inferior?
Just because Hamas is punching up rather than punching down like Israel is with asymmetrical warfare, it doesn’t make them the good guys. In this case, the underdog is a terrorist organization who commits crimes against humanity and intentionally targets civilians.
Yeah that was during a war, though. That’s completely allowed in the playbook or are you going to say that literally anything Israel did in retaliation is a “civilian target”. Because if that’s the case, your definitions and understanding of this subject matter is biased and objectively wrong.
Also, by the same virtue, Palestine has attacked civilian targets as well. You either say both sides are causing this conflict or neither are. You can’t always blame Israel when Palestine is doing the exact same thing.
You asked a question. I gave you the answer. You don’t like the answer and for some reason believe you have to defend your presumptions. You don’t. It’s okay to be wrong. That’s how we learn. Also, I like your name.
Israel isnt retaliating to shit, they created this mess. the Palestinian militia groups locked in the open air prison of Gaza are the ones “retaliating”.
You do know that 44% of the Gazan population is 14 or younger, right? Every shelling is killing kids, shutting off the electricity is killing kids. How many children do you have to shell in “self-defense”? Fuck off with that, Palestine is not doing “The exact same thing”.
I recall a small little, tincy wincy attack from this terrorist group called “Hamas” that started this. Israel is no saint but Hamas, and Palestine supporting it, is 100% to blame for this. Sorry to remind you about that massacre.
Your take is way more chill than the others I’ve seen that secretly support Hamas. You seem honest about the situation while others lean way too heavily on one side - which is scary to think that a rational position is a hot take nowadays.
I keep hearing that bombing civilian infrastructure is a war crime. Is intentionally building military infrastructure in and amongst civilian infrastructure a war crime? I’m honestly curious about this. How can it be a war crime to bomb civilian infrastructure when it isn’t a crime to put military infrastructure intentionally amongst civilian infrastructure for the purpose of triggering “war crime!!!” allegations? It seems like a scenario intentionally intended to create propaganda when civilian deaths inevitably occur. I’m not an international law expert or war crimes expert. But it seems like utter bullshit if one is wrong and the other isn’t.
Yeah both sides are in the wrong in my opinion. I get that they wanna “retake their land from the colonisers” or something, but this isn’t how to do it.
Not defending the murder of civilians, but the problem Palestinians find themselves facing is that:
1-It’s not just taking their lands. Every year West Bank Palestinians are murdered or kicked off their lands to make way for Israeli settlements, with either tacit acceptance or out right support from the Israeli government, and the blockade of Gaza doesn’t need to be explained.
2-Peace isn’t working. The PLO renounced violence and 100% dedicated to peaceful efforts. And the result? The West Bank is now a Bantustan where Palestinian land is being forcibly taken every year. The blockade of Gaza started before Israel’s popular excuse of Hamas taking charge. Israel wants Palestinians to suffer, so until that changes some Palestinians will obviously choose violence. This is just an inevitable result of peace not working.
The UNHRC declared Israel’s actions in Gaza a war crime, so yeah.
Putting military infrastructure intentionally amongst civilian infrastructure is also a warcrime, but Israel hasn’t exactly been limited by that. They’ve bombed evacuating people many times, after telling them where/what route to take to evacuate.
You are doing the Palestinians forced to be meat shields a disservice. By the way, Gaza is nowhere close to the most densely populated spot on earth. Also, there’s an emoji for “meat shield”.
Hamas hides in civilian places. In return, Israel bombs said civilian places, killing everyone but mostly uninvolved innocent folks, most of those are children. And yet when they try to leave, Hamas won’t let them, and Israel bombs the exit anyway.
I feel like these two guys are secretly allied to commit genocide or something.
And yes, I’m waiting for the downvotes to come in. I don’t even care anymore. Just press the button.
I wonder if Hamas would exist if Israel treated the Palestinians well, giving them aid, food, water and the promise of a brighter future… including sovereignty of their borders.
Their origins go back to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, so they would probably exist as an Islamic extremist terrorist organization in some form regardless, but obviously it would be in a completely different context and they probably wouldn’t have anything like the support that they have now.
Hamas might not exist, but unless you can travel back in time, that doesn’t answer the question what to do about Hamas today.
Hamas is a terror organization, they’ve been in power in the Gaza strip for the last 17 years, they terrorize the Palestinian population in Gaza, and they desperately need the conflict to stay alive so they don’t lose relevance.
As things are today, treating the Palestinians well, giving them aid, food, water and the promise of a brighter future is a direct threat to Hamas. That’s absolutely not to say that those things shouldn’t be done - it’s just to say that these things pose a direct threat to Hamas’s position of power in Gaza. That’s why Hamas reroutes international help and keeps it from reaching the Palestinian population, why they stage terrorist attacks against Israel, why they torture and murder “collaborators,” why they place their infrastructure in schools and mosques and hospitals, why they use Palestinians as human shields.
So lacking the option of traveling back in time and preventing the creation of Hamas, what should be done in a world where Hamas exists, has been in power for many years, and has no intention of ever ceasing its terrorism?
Hamas today could be a thing of the past, or as close to irrelevant as possible, if Israel would put in the effort to help Palestinians. Maybe help Palestinians realize that they could have a better chance with Israel than Hamas and that peace is possible.
This would take Israel being the “bigger man” to use a turn of phrase, but every chance they’re presented with just like right now, they instead choose Zionism and indiscriminately murder civilians.
to be fair, Hamas would have been a thing of the Past is Netanyahu wasn’t supporting them through direct money and a bit of targeting non-radical secular groups that stood for an alternative to Hamas.
Yes, Hamas was aided by the guy using them as an excuse to kill civilians
That’s sounds good.
What would that look like?
As a reference: from 2014 to 2020, the UN spent $4.5 billion in Gaza. NGOs have poured in hundreds of millions, have opened schools, have financed hospitals, have distributed aid. USAID has spent billions of dollars, the European Union spent hundreds of millions of Euros just to put in reliable water infrastructure. Just recently, Israel agreed to open the borders to Gaza so a number of Palestinians could work in Israel and live in Gaza.
But Hamas has been intercepting foreign aid, has seized donated supplies, has interfered with aid workers, has used schools and hospitals financed by the UN and NGOs as terrorist headquarters, as weapons caches, as launching sites for missiles, as prisons and torture sites to hold, torture and murder opponents.
So what, specifically, would you suggest?
It seems that the only solution to the problem is to kill innocent men, women, and children!
Gotta violently kill a family of twenty so we can take out one or two hidden Hamas fighters!
I want to make this very clear, the hatred that Israel is exhibiting to the Palestinians, is exactly the same as the hatred that Hitler exhibited towards their people during WWII. Difference is, everybody is cheering on the Nazis this time.
So you’re assuming that asking for a qualified answer about what should be done to “help the Palestinians” is the equivalent of “cheering on the Nazis?”
You asked a rhetorical question. I also did not say you cheered on the Nazi’s or anything of the sort.
See, that’s the problem, though: you’re already presuming that people who don’t simply go along cheering facile, generic solutions like “why don’t the Israelis just help the Palestinians” - as if things were that easy and as if that thought just had never occurred to a single person in the past 70 years of murderous conflict - must be insincere.
So for the record: no, I’m being sincere. Bombing innocent civilians in Gaza is very obviously objectionable, and indiscriminate bombing is a war crime.
At the same time, I can acknowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization which just committed the largest terrorist attack in the history of Israel, committing unspeakable atrocities and murdering hundreds and hundreds of civilians in Israel.
So with that premise established: what would be some realistic ways for Israel to help Palestinians in a way that would make Hamas go away and end that particular threat for Israel. Because that’s the proposition: that the terrorist threat from Hamas could be ended if Israel only helped the Palestinians instead of bombing them, correct?
You have no idea what you are talking about
Lol ok bud
Not blockade the Gaza strip, for one. Israel killed Gaza’s economy in 2006, keeps limiting the imports of basic goods and what we’re seeing is the result. Hamas stopped rocket attacks for over a year (late 2012 to early 2014) when promised the lifting of the blockade as part of a ceasefire.
Gaza people are, by Israel’s own admission, allowed fewer calories than they need to not starve to death.
How would that make Hamas go away?
Egypt and Israel are blockading the Gaza strip because it’s under the control of a terrorist organization.
If the question is “how could Israel help the Palestinians in a way that would make the threat if Hamas disappear,” how are you envisioning that this would happen if Israel ended the blockade?
Well, the cause of the current state of rocket attacks is the blockade so there’s that. Like I said before, Hamas stopped rocket attacks, and tried to police other groups doing the same, for over a year in compliance with the 2012 ceasefire. They stopped because Israel only slightly loosened the blockade, and didn’t lift it as they’d originally promised. So that’s how this would happen if Israel ended the blockade; Israel needs to sign another ceasefire and actually follow it.
And the cause for the blockade before 2012 was that Hamas seized power in the Gaza strip, murdered its political opponents, and instituted a reign of terror where elections were suspended indefinitely, dissent was impossible, and Palestinian “collaborators” were abducted, tortured, and murdered.
And the reason for the end of the ceasefire in 2014 was that Hamas abducted the teenagers, followed by Israel imprisoning 350 Palestinian militants, followed by Hamas launching rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza.
That’s the problem, isn’t it - whatever any side does in this conflict, it’s easy to find justification for it if you only go back fast enough in history. There are more than 2000 years of history there, full of conflict between the various ethnic groups. If anyone wants to find justification for current atrocities, it’s always easy to point to atrocities previously committed by the other side.
That said: do you really believe that Hamas wild simply cease its terrorism, its atrocities, its rocket attacks, kidnappings, torture, murder and simply decide to live in peace with Israel if the blockade were to be lifted tomorrow?
Ant this is the thing no one is saying. Yes what they did was bad but I can understand why they exist. Freedom fighters or terrorist just depends on your point of view.
I wish I could give you more upvotes. This is the material reason for this conflict going back to British occupation.
Palestinians who are Israeli citizens (20% of the population) seem to be doing quite well and are not murdering their neighbors or advocating genocide.
Shhhh, this is an inconvenient reality that the “anti-Israel folks no matter what happens” folks conveniently refuse to learn about. Granted the Christian Arab Israelis are way more chill about not murdering people or advocating genocide, but outside of college age Muslim brotherhood males, Arab Israelis are pretty fucking chill.
I wouldn’t want to be those Palestinians living in Israel, for three days after the whole Hamas incursion happened they were getting shot openly in the street by radical Israelis, but that got about as much news coverage as the fact that Netanyahu actually aided Hamas for a long time in order to undermine the PAs ability to negotiate a two-state solution.
Remember the Palestinian diaspora? Half of the people in Gaza and the West Bank are descendants of people who fled/were expelled from Israel in 1948-1949. You can look up Benny Morris’s four stage analysis for more details. Israel couldn’t get a Jewish majority in Palestine, so they went for ethnic cleansing. Arab Israelis are the people they allowed to stay.
As mentioned above, Israel is not homogeneous. They want to have safety for their people, not ethnically cleanse Palestinian Arabs. 20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs. Wanting to ethnically cleanse is more Hamas’s thing, as they explicitly target Jews.
Right, because they were peaceful they have been treated differently than constantly hostile belligerents targeting and killing civilians for over 75 years. This conflict is about safety for Israel. Self-defense.
Bro look up the Palestinian diaspora then speak. 700000 people were expelled or terrorized into leaving using massacres and you’re going on and on about Israel’s self-defense. The IDF (or what would become the IDF) actually got orders to keep certain locations Palestinian free, which got about 140 thousand Palestinians expelled.
I am aware of it. You should look up who started that conflict, who made a one state solution not viable, who engaged in secretarian mob violence first, who rejected the UN borders and instead went to war with their neighbors over and over again, losing spectacularly every time. (I’m happy to provide sources for all these claims.)
Hint: It wasn’t the Jews. Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun would eventually commit their own atrocities once the ball got rolling, but let’s not forget who started this and who has the power to end this conflict even today. Reading up on the history of this conflict, it seems to me that the Jews have always wanted safety and security, while Arab Palestinians wanted to scapegoat and violently expel or kill Jews.
Is it any wonder they want distance and safety from the people who have been trying to kill them for around a century now? Yet every attempt results in people vilifying them and accusing them of genocide, because the people trying to drive them into the sea happen to be homogeneous.
Okay this is too much nonsense to even engage with. You literally justified ethnic cleansing right now. Ethnic fucking cleansing.
20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Palestinian with full rights, but keep telling me how this is about genetics and not self-defense for Israel.
You are brainwashed.
Yeah, they’ll still exist I think, whether we like it or not. Regardless of how well Israel treats the Palestinians, Hamas still sees them as colonizers and wants them kicked out completely.
It’s been 75 years since Israel existed as a state, they’re completely accustomed to where they are now, so kicking them out and establishing a “new Jewish state” is simply gonna move the problem to a different location instead of fixing it. History repeats itself.
Isreal has been shown to have bombed targets that were completely civilian in nature with no reported Hamas activity.
If Hamas is in every bombed civilian home then we must deduce that it is one of the biggest armies in the world.
Yet, all I see are homemade rockets that can barely blow up a roof…
The zionists supporters claim that Hamas somehow survive the blasts and move on to other human sheilds.
It reminds me when my mother threw a set of iron keys at my face and I quickly shut the door between us so they hit and ruined the door (instead of my face) and I was scolded for ruining the door.
Normal people just say “why the hell did she toss the keys at you??”
So the blasts are ineffective then and only serve to kill bystanders?
well yes, but blame Hamas for hiding in the vast cave network while we target apartment buildings
They’re still effective enough to kill, should we give them a pass because their weapons are inferior?
Just because Hamas is punching up rather than punching down like Israel is with asymmetrical warfare, it doesn’t make them the good guys. In this case, the underdog is a terrorist organization who commits crimes against humanity and intentionally targets civilians.
Correct. And the big dog is…
Do you have any sources of this?
I do.
This article says that Israel shut off the electricity, not bomb purely civilian targets.
Did I miss that in the source?
That would be civilian infrastructure.
Yeah that was during a war, though. That’s completely allowed in the playbook or are you going to say that literally anything Israel did in retaliation is a “civilian target”. Because if that’s the case, your definitions and understanding of this subject matter is biased and objectively wrong.
Also, by the same virtue, Palestine has attacked civilian targets as well. You either say both sides are causing this conflict or neither are. You can’t always blame Israel when Palestine is doing the exact same thing.
You asked a question. I gave you the answer. You don’t like the answer and for some reason believe you have to defend your presumptions. You don’t. It’s okay to be wrong. That’s how we learn. Also, I like your name.
Aww sweaty you don’t have to try so hard. It’s okay, we’ve all looked dumb on the internet once or twice before 😂
Israel isnt retaliating to shit, they created this mess. the Palestinian militia groups locked in the open air prison of Gaza are the ones “retaliating”.
You do know that 44% of the Gazan population is 14 or younger, right? Every shelling is killing kids, shutting off the electricity is killing kids. How many children do you have to shell in “self-defense”? Fuck off with that, Palestine is not doing “The exact same thing”.
I recall a small little, tincy wincy attack from this terrorist group called “Hamas” that started this. Israel is no saint but Hamas, and Palestine supporting it, is 100% to blame for this. Sorry to remind you about that massacre.
Your take is way more chill than the others I’ve seen that secretly support Hamas. You seem honest about the situation while others lean way too heavily on one side - which is scary to think that a rational position is a hot take nowadays.
When the only winning move is not to play:
I keep hearing that bombing civilian infrastructure is a war crime. Is intentionally building military infrastructure in and amongst civilian infrastructure a war crime? I’m honestly curious about this. How can it be a war crime to bomb civilian infrastructure when it isn’t a crime to put military infrastructure intentionally amongst civilian infrastructure for the purpose of triggering “war crime!!!” allegations? It seems like a scenario intentionally intended to create propaganda when civilian deaths inevitably occur. I’m not an international law expert or war crimes expert. But it seems like utter bullshit if one is wrong and the other isn’t.
Yeah both sides are in the wrong in my opinion. I get that they wanna “retake their land from the colonisers” or something, but this isn’t how to do it.
Not defending the murder of civilians, but the problem Palestinians find themselves facing is that:
1-It’s not just taking their lands. Every year West Bank Palestinians are murdered or kicked off their lands to make way for Israeli settlements, with either tacit acceptance or out right support from the Israeli government, and the blockade of Gaza doesn’t need to be explained.
2-Peace isn’t working. The PLO renounced violence and 100% dedicated to peaceful efforts. And the result? The West Bank is now a Bantustan where Palestinian land is being forcibly taken every year. The blockade of Gaza started before Israel’s popular excuse of Hamas taking charge. Israel wants Palestinians to suffer, so until that changes some Palestinians will obviously choose violence. This is just an inevitable result of peace not working.
The UNHRC declared Israel’s actions in Gaza a war crime, so yeah.
Putting military infrastructure intentionally amongst civilian infrastructure is also a warcrime, but Israel hasn’t exactly been limited by that. They’ve bombed evacuating people many times, after telling them where/what route to take to evacuate.
Where else are they supposed to put it? Do you realize how small Gaza is?
You are doing the Palestinians forced to be meat shields a disservice. By the way, Gaza is nowhere close to the most densely populated spot on earth. Also, there’s an emoji for “meat shield”.