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Edit: omg everyone please reply to each other with suggested additional nicknames
yeah, that works nicely
Percy aka Percy-Cat and No, you’ve already been fed!
I’ve got two. A void and (I think) a blue point.
The void is Apollo, but his nickname is “what is that in your mouth”
The blue point is Islay, but her nickname is “how the fuck did you get the toilet paper again”
Her name is Masha, but I call her “Estás bien fea” (“you are so ugly”). She doesn’t mind.
Why dignify such obvious lies with a reaction 😒
Anya (she and all of her litter mates were named for Buffy TVS characters): frequently referred to as Fluffy Girl, Hissy Face, or Lady Shedsalot
Ozymandias (named for one of my favorite poems, but also to kind of keep with the Buffy theme): Oz, Ozzy, Bubby, Fuzzy Boy, Big Boy, Squeaky, Fluff For Brains
This is Luna. Her nicknames include: Stinky Lady, Baboona, Beepy Boopa, Loons, Lunar. Plus more that I’m sure I’m forgetting.
Miss Caligula, in keeping with a Roman naming tradition. Usually shortened to Cali, or more often than not just goes by kitty.
Nova and Athena. SillyButt and BabyKitty.
Name: ToeKnee
Nickname: Tony
Name: Nomi
Nickname: Nerbals (among many, many others)
This is Izzy.
AKA Isabella, Queen Isabella Greypelt, Izzy Busy, Isabella Busy Boo, The Puke Monster and The Monochromatic Quadropus. At least one of those has one of those inane songs to go with it.
My sister calls my male young cat Åse, a nordic SENIOR female name. I have no idea how she got it.
Snuggles, Struggles, and Franny.
Although we’ve started calling Struggles by new names such as Yappy Jackie, Gob, and Screamer.
I have two void brothers.
- Book
- Booger
- Bookbookbookbookbookbookbookabookabooka
- Booker DeWitt (his full name) when he’s being very handsome.
- Holla at your homeboy
- Scaredycat
- Boy
- Fatty
Both of them also get called
- Mister Man
- Void (said as many times as feels right)
- Stinkybutt
- Boysboysboysboysboysboysboys (into perpetuity)
- Handsome
My partner and I ALSO have
Mister Man
We don’t have stinkybutt, but I do call them “pooper”, and “poo tube”
Lubochka / Lulu / Bochka / Bobo / Booboo / Bober / Boober / Luboo / Bochkin