Red Bull - European but Far right
Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.
Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …
(And it’s also not very healthy,…)
I try to buy european but i think it’s important to remind ourselves that we have shit companies in Europe that don’t deserve our business. Red Bull, Nestlé, Müllermilch all these mf can suck it.
I’d also throw Bayer into that list. Knowingly had HIV contaminated blood, considered the amount of money they’d lose by destroying it, so they supplied it to patients in Latin America and Asia. Bayer considered the investment they had in the contaminated product, decided NOT to destroy it, for profits sake, and infected thousands of people with it. They misrepresented the results to not lose money and killed thousands.
I know pharmaceutical companies is a giant mess, but Bayer is on par with Nestle for me.
Following this logic i’d end up buying nothing or absolute crap. Example: i really liked Kellogg’s corn flakes and i tried to switch to a local brand (Cerealitalia) but unfortunately is tastes bad. In the biggest supermarket of my town it’s Kellogg’s, Nestlè or Cerealitalia so it’s US, shitty company or shitty product. Same goes for Coca Cola: it’s Coca Cola, Pepsi or the coke with the same brand of the supermarket (tastes meh). I’m trying but it’s not easy at all.
I think that’s what it’s about. I am not perfect, your are not, nobody is. Time, money, availability of products and all that are constraints that sometimes just don’t allow for a “good” product. Like someone else here wrote: a marathon not a sprint. I try to be happy about good alternatives that i find and not worry to much where i can’t. After all a trip to the supermarket shouldn’t feel like shit.
i mean, personally if i had to pick between a shitty company and a shitty product, i’d just pick neither unlesa it was a necessity
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What’s up with Müllermilch? I haven’t bought it in a while because it wasn’t very healthy anyway. But i didn’t know the company itself was bad
Owner is cozy with the AFD
The CEO meets up with the AfD on the regular to discuss Nazi things.