Started with woodworking as a hobby a year ago. I have plenty of tools now. Started with a workbench which is way to big for my small barn where also bicycles are stored (Dutch). So that’s going to be dismantled.
But what frustrates me is the lack of organized storage of tools. So I’m thinking of a French cleat wall to put my tools against.
Has anyone here did a French cleat wall and want to share experience or photos?
That’s plywood. The layers are laminated at 90 degrees to each other. There is no “other direction” to make the cuts. There’s nothing weak about this setup, it’s a tried and true method of making French cleats.
I don’t refer that, the way it is cut the pull down force will de laminate the wood because only the glue between 2 layers is what is going to hold everything together.
As some other users were pointing it is also possible that the glue in recent years is better than the one I recall when I was a child