I never played Secret of Mana. I might give it a shot shortly!
It’s an amazing title. Secret of Evermore is pretty good also of you like the gameplay of SoM. And you can play it multiplayer, as soon as you get a second PC
I’ve always been more partial to Secret of Evermore for whatever reason
You definitely should! If possible, find a friend (or two) to play it with
I just got myself an arcade stick so I’ll be playing some Super Street Fighter II and perhaps some other fighting games.
Do you play in fightcade or in some other way?
I play on my Analogue Pocket. I had not heard about Fightcade until, looks interesting, will check it out, thanks!
Basically fightcade allows you to play online with those games :)
Probably earthbound… again 🍄
I’ve had the itch to dig up Tetris Attack.
Tetris attack is nice. If you had a Gameboy color, try Pokémon puzzle challenge, you’ll love it!
Heck to the yeah! As a kid that game was like mixing peanut butter with chocolate.
- NBA Jam - Tournament Edition
- Donkey Kong Country
- Mario All-Stars
- Starfox
- Street Fighter
- Earthworm Jim
- Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
- Tiny Toons
Probably mine