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[BUG] Issue here

    411 months ago

    The hacker theme looks so amazing. Thank you so much. Let me know if there is a link to donate. Would be more than happy to do so

  • steve228ukOPM
    411 months ago

    A couple more fixes are incoming:

    1. The weird layout issue caused when tapping a username in the comments.
    2. GIFs will no longer be automatically rendered as animated images anywhere in the app, except when opening the image viewer.

    I want to give a bit more context about 2.

    GIFs (and animated WebP images) have been the most common cause of crashes and UI freezes in Bean. The last couple of days have been particularly bad as this image of the Lemmy version of r/place has been shared.

    This image is 12.4MB, animates for over 2 minutes, and (most importantly) is almost 3,000 frames. I can’t even tell you exactly how many frames as both Preview and Photoshop froze on my Mac when trying to open the image.

    The reason the number of frames is important, because a GIF is just a container for multiple images. Each frame is an individual image that needs to be decoded and rendered on the screen, and it turns out when there are a lot of them at 1000 x 1000px it is impossible to decode performantly.

    Bean uses SDWebImage to download, cache, and render images behind the scenes. It’s a fantastic library that is the de facto standard when working with remote images on iOS or macOS. Even with the progressiveLoad and scaleDownLargeImages options enabled, SDWebImage just cannot render certain images without iOS sounding the alarm and firing an OOM exception — especially when that image is 12.4MB and 3,000 frames.

    At the moment, Bean will crash if you attempt to open this image. I have even tried working around this and rendering it in a web view, or using another library — FLAnimatedImage. Neither of these solutions worked and believe me, I’m not happy about that (seriously, I really hate GIFs now).

    In the coming days, I’ll be pushing another update that will check for the size of the image before deciding whether to animate it or not. When not animated, SDWebImage only decodes the first frame of a GIF which is no issue at all.

    I know this isn’t brilliant, as in the ideal world every image would be viewable within Bean, but it’s the best solution I can think of to avoid a single image crashing the app.

  • Dame
    311 months ago

    Issues with opening communities within the community tab. No action happens when clicking on a community

      • Dame
        111 months ago

        Of course. Work-a-round is using the web browser and then adding and or pinning a community. Once it’s pinned it typically works in Bean.

  • steve228ukOPM
    11 months ago

    Changelog August 6th

    Build 2023.

    • Added the ability to sort comments.
    • Added a default comment sort to the Filtering settings.
    • New theme: Midnight
    • New theme: Forest
    • New theme: Hacker
    • New font: Futura
    • New font: Menlo
    • Fixed correct font styles not loading in the markdown editor.
    • Fixed http:// and https:// links automatically being detected.
    • Updated dependencies including SDWebImage. Should solve some crashing images with WebP and SVG parsing.
    • Stopped reloading Inbox on focus as it seemed to be causing some glitches. Will reassess later.

    Push notifications are now also functioning as expected. Please test and let me know if you encounter issues.

    • steve228ukOPM
      211 months ago

      New themes, fonts, and comment sorting options added to Bean today 🥰

  • steve228ukOPM
    211 months ago

    More GIF changes

    Build 2023.

    • Added a badge to the card view to show that an image is a GIF.
    • GIFs are now played in a WebKit view. The transition when opening is glitchy so will be improved soon but… No crashing! (famous last words?)
    211 months ago

    Minor feedback on theme:

    Is there a way to use accent of the main color theme to color the upvote and reply swipes

    • steve228ukOPM
      111 months ago

      At the moment the upvote/and downvote swipe colours match those on the buttons and does change for some themes. The reply colour does need attention as the bookmark one does use the accent.

      I’ll give it some attention when I get 5 minutes or am working on new themes.

        111 months ago

        I think swapping the Bookmark and Reply colors around (ie Bookmark uses green, Reply uses accent color) would be a pretty good solution.

    211 months ago

    Some more feedback:

    • search for comments would be nice
    • I think the splash screen should only be a skeleton of the tab bar/nav bar. The icon might not fit the user chosen app icon, also it makes the app feel slower. Apple’s HIG also recommends the skeleton
    • images in the feed should have the full height (otherwise most memes and posts aren’t readable without a tab and dismiss)
    • steve228ukOPM
      211 months ago
      • Searching comments is on my list.
      • I know HIG recommends the skeleton but I’ll have the same issue where that splash might not match theme chosen by the user and that’s even more jarring.
      • There’s a setting for this under Display > Full Height Images
  • steve228ukOPM
    211 months ago

    I’ve pushed an update to the way images are rendered tonight which I’m hoping will finally (finally), finally (FINALLY) fix the crashing issues caused by GIFs and animated webp images exhausting memory allocation.

    I have noticed that it’s broken the full height images option (sorry about that) so I’ll be patching that back in tomorrow.

    In the meantime, I’d you encounter any issues with GIFs, please let me know.

      • steve228ukOPM
        111 months ago

        It might be placebo but it theoretically should have sped them up so that’s good to hear 😄

  • steve228ukOPM
    211 months ago

    Changelog August 3rd

    Build 2023.

    • Added the ability to edit and delete comments.
    • Added a new context menu on press and hold of comments.
    • Added the ability to delete a post. Known issue: it’s not immediately removed from the list and requires a refresh.
    • Added the ability to edit a post.
    • Deleted or Removed posts are now filtered from post lists.
    • Increased maximum font size on the slider to 140% from 120%.
    • Increased the bottom padding on the comments list on themes with a translucent tab bar.
    • Tapping a comment in the Inbox will scroll to that thread on the post view.
    • Tapping a comment in the Inbox will highlight that comment in the post view.
    • Removed email parsing from Markdown.
    • Removed the “View Anyway” button on blocked communities as it doesn’t work.
    • Added Markdown parsing for spoilers.
    • Added a new button to the Markdown editor for writing spoilers.
    • Added a new Headline post view.
    • Added section for account settings in preparation for more there.
    • Added video support.
    • Added a welcome screen.
    • steve228ukOPM
      311 months ago

      As we rapidly approach a version that I feel is complete enough for a public release, I’ll be bumping the version number and posting a roadmap.

        111 months ago

        Awesome! It’s definitely feeling feature-rich at this point. You’ve done some great work in a short time. Can’t wait to see the public release!

    11 months ago

    Since the last update, communities and comments haven’t been loading quite right. Always possible that it’s a .world problem, but I’m using Voyager right now without any apparent issue. I’ll try again in a couple hours and see if there are still issues.

    Edit: I take it back. More exploring on Voyager reveals the same problems. Looks like it’s a .world issue.

    111 months ago

    Bug Report:

    I have the theme set to “automatic” but the app doesn’t switch from light mode or to dark mode unless it’s forced closed and re-opened. Most other apps seem to switch as soon as you open them, even if they haven’t been force closed and closed by iOS.

    • steve228ukOPM
      311 months ago

      Thank you! This one is on my list but hasn’t been a high priority. I’ll likely get it fixed in 1.0.1

    • steve228ukOPM
      211 months ago

      I know some instances like .world were having issues with thumbnail generation so this may be related. That being said, today’s build changes the way images are rendered in the background so please let me know if you see this frequently and I’ll investigate more.