Some Timestamps:

  1. 0:00.000 - 3:02.000 Intermission
  2. 10:24.000 - 11:30.000 Unpaid/Self Promotion
  3. 11:30.000 - 14:05.000 Thumbnail Segment Overview
  4. 14:04.500 - 14:09.500 Interaction Reminder

Video Description:

#trumprecession #sabbysabs #briahnajoygraynews #manhattanprotest #piersmorganlatestshow #progressivepoliticsexplained #bluestateexit

About Channel:

Leftist news commentary and interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.

Edit2: fixed timestamp format, numbered list; update LIVE uptime to 53 -> 55mins, 55 -> 147mins