more of us than one might think.
and we don’t always need all diehard lefties to fight for Wages Hours and Conditions.
It’s good to turn up the signal as more people of all stripes become Unsure as instability and chaos build in our systems.
Anyway – something important to keep in mind is that a hard left turns are fought with gardens and tools and ‘barn’(etc) raisings even more than demonstrations or violence.
Labor movement, black panthers, and zapatistas are worth a quick study for grassroots practices.
admittedly, what the oligarchy and police state don’t want folks to learn about is Direct Action.
thanks for your efforts!
more of us than one might think. and we don’t always need all diehard lefties to fight for Wages Hours and Conditions.
It’s good to turn up the signal as more people of all stripes become Unsure as instability and chaos build in our systems.
Anyway – something important to keep in mind is that a hard left turns are fought with gardens and tools and ‘barn’(etc) raisings even more than demonstrations or violence.
Labor movement, black panthers, and zapatistas are worth a quick study for grassroots practices.
admittedly, what the oligarchy and police state don’t want folks to learn about is Direct Action.