When I smoked cigarettes, I would roll the cherry off and stick the butt in my pocket and carry it until I saw a trash can. The cretins at my work who leave cig butts on the ground make me sick. I saw one drop his butt in a garden planter the other day. A trash can was ten feet away. Assholes.
I don’t smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.
When I smoked cigarettes, I would roll the cherry off and stick the butt in my pocket and carry it until I saw a trash can. The cretins at my work who leave cig butts on the ground make me sick. I saw one drop his butt in a garden planter the other day. A trash can was ten feet away. Assholes.
I don’t smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.