Hi, long-time Sync user here; I would like to share with you what I consider the best settings to reach an excellent experience (IMHO obviously)
Below are only the changes I apply to the default values
Settings > General
- “use drawer navigation” [Enabled]
Settings > Experimental
- “sliding panel style drawer” [Enabled]
- “highlight stickied posts” [Enabled]
Settings > View type
- “slides”
- “preview full width” [Enabled]
- “save” [Disabled]
- “right aligned voting” [Enabled]
Settings > Post options
- “swipe to hide” [Enabled]
- “extend swipe posts …” [Disabled]
Settings > Comment options
- “single click to hide comment” [Enabled]
- “collapse parent” [Enabled]
I think hide feature is broken. Hide 1st post in the feed, restart app, see the hidden post…
On your Lemmy account settings when logged into your home instance from the web, do you have “Show Read Posts” unchecked? That will insure any posts you’ve marked are read from any client won’t get sent to you again when you refresh your feed later. This is a double edge sword as it can make finding read posts harder when uncheck. Some clients may do some filtering on the client side, but also enabling this server side make hiding read posts a lot more consistent between browser and other clients from the same account.
I’m having the same problrm. This was the main way I scrolled reddit. Open up r/all or my subscriptions and hide a post if read or not interested.
Just worked on your post.
I’ve been getting this, but if I press Hide all Read posts then it’ll go away again.
That’s it! Thank you, this works, but I have not found option to enable that by default… Edit: actually that’s just hides read… On app reopening they are back…