So, I’m a pretty average-height guy—5’7”. Not tall, not short, just… there. My feet, however, did not get the memo. They are gigantic. Size 15. Which means I leave footprints that suggest someone much larger (or possibly Bigfoot) passed through, got spooked, and took off running.
People always comment. First, the double-take. Then: “Whoa. Those are… big.” And finally, the classic: “How do you even find shoes?”
Badly. That’s how.
Shoe shopping for me is like searching for an ancient artifact. Store clerks disappear into the back, only to return shaking their heads, as if I’d asked for a unicorn saddle. “We might have one pair in the back…” And what they bring out is always tragic—some orthopedic dad sneaker the size of a small canoe, usually in a shade best described as “beige disappointment.”
For a while, I tried to hide it. I slouched. I crammed my toes into size 13s like a Victorian woman chasing a terrible beauty standard. I even considered custom shoes—until I saw the price and briefly thought maybe barefoot life isn’t so bad.
But now? I’ve embraced it. I don’t tip over easily. I get extra legroom on buses just by existing. And when people ask about my shoe size, I just smile and say, “Great for swimming.”
I want to see you with your shoes off. Might be tiny feet in those shoes.
Get the ring to Mordor Mr. Frodo.
Do not attempt to hide behind a curtain.
Watch out for rakes!
I heard this comment hahaha
- hWACK*
Been there, done that, got the stitches.
If the rumors are true, if a dude has a foot that size, you can assume he must also have a long, massive sock.
So are you actually great at swimming?
If you wore lifts or high heels you’d be taller and your feet would look smaller. And your butt would look cute! But you’d pay a price in stability.
I just want to say kudos for the picture. It would have been easy to write this without it, but with it 🤌🏻
I want to see another pic without shoes on. Anyone can slap some size 15 shoes on their feet for a photo.
Free feet pics on the internet? I hope op is smarter then that
Of course you want to see him barefoot, for science right?
my feet aren’t large but wide and tall, like I have to undo the show laces like 3 notches to fit. and if I get a size higher then my toes have a gap between the tip of the shoe.
I recognize that pain even if I’m not 100% in the same situation. trying shoes for me is also annoying, I specifically do not like when clerks try to help you or ask for your size because it almost always doesn’t work (oh yeah you’re size 13 but hmm your feet doesn’t really fit the width) I would much rather just try things on my own. naturally that doesn’t work on your case so you must have it rough
Well at least you know if they roleboot the LOTR Trilogy you have a solid career path
I’ve got similarly large feet and instead of saying “let me grab my shoes” I often say “let me grab my canoes”. Always kills if you weave “canoes” in as a replacement for “shoes” with a straight face
You must be so fucking stable. Immovable object
Way to plant (Anne)!
It was an arrested development joke. The character, Anne, is able to plant herself so firmly she can’t be knocked over.
Haha, sorry. My fault. I was trying to make a joke about how everyone always forgets eg…I mean Anne. She sure can plant.
I should have caught that…
Ok, this sounds merely quirky and unusual on the surface other than the shoe difficulty. Any other real problems (or benefits) with this? Joint issues, can’t run well? Something people might not know is a problem with unusually large feet?
I’m guessing he can temporarily fool people into thinking he is also super tall
Did you see the post a couple of months ago about the really tall dude with really small feet?
They should have a kid together!
They could make either one average sized person with average feet or just a fucking monster who is like 7’6" with size 18s
Was thinking more one foot small one foot big kind of thing.
Yes! Thank you!!
Bro can ski barefooted.
Seriously though, good on you for owning it, you sound and look like a fun person