Got it wrong. The name is “Captain I Run Trains On Your Mom”.
while the rest of this country works for a living
I’m at work, dipshit. I’m intelligent enough not to have to do manual labor, so I work at a computer. And I work in a position important enough that they don’t censor my internet access, so I can browse Lemmy and talk down to losers like yourself.
your my breakfast
apparently you’re an idiot
I know when to use apostrophes.
The conservative sub is one of the very few that hasn’t been overtaken by the libs bots yet.
No, it’s been taken over by far right bots. In case you’re not aware of this, like you aren’t aware of a lot of things, /r/conservative is a few hundred neckbeard losers reacting to posts and comments by bots designed to rile up the dumbest Americans. Also, it’s kind of hard to take over a sub when the mods are snowflakes who ban everyone that doesn’t tow the Trump line. /r/conservative is where the most delicate of snowflakes on Reddit hide.
What world are you living in where DT and Fox News are the topics spoken of with high regard on Reddit?
We’re talking about /r/conservative chump. Keep up.
Got it wrong. The name is “Captain I Run Trains On Your Mom”.
I’m at work, dipshit. I’m intelligent enough not to have to do manual labor, so I work at a computer. And I work in a position important enough that they don’t censor my internet access, so I can browse Lemmy and talk down to losers like yourself.
I know when to use apostrophes.
No, it’s been taken over by far right bots. In case you’re not aware of this, like you aren’t aware of a lot of things, /r/conservative is a few hundred neckbeard losers reacting to posts and comments by bots designed to rile up the dumbest Americans. Also, it’s kind of hard to take over a sub when the mods are snowflakes who ban everyone that doesn’t tow the Trump line. /r/conservative is where the most delicate of snowflakes on Reddit hide.
We’re talking about /r/conservative chump. Keep up.
Get a fucking education.
If you’re at work and got time to txt all that, with other comments, you don’t deserve your job, asshat.
Lol. Unlike you, dipshit, I can walk and chew gum at the same time.
It’s something people with more than a few brain cells can do. You wouldn’t understand.
Oooooh sick burn
If we were in 5th grade…
Jesus christ, I don’t ask for much but this is just…